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1 month ago
'use strict';
const content = `--[[
Move next job to be processed to active, lock it and fetch its data. The job
may be delayed, in that case we need to move it to the delayed set instead.
This operation guarantees that the worker owns the job during the locks
expiration time. The worker is responsible of keeping the lock fresh
so that no other worker picks this job again.
KEYS[1] wait key
KEYS[2] active key
KEYS[3] priority key
KEYS[4] active event key
KEYS[5] stalled key
-- Rate limiting
KEYS[6] rate limiter key
KEYS[7] delayed key
KEYS[8] drained key
ARGV[1] key prefix
ARGV[2] lock token
ARGV[3] lock duration in milliseconds
ARGV[4] timestamp
ARGV[5] optional jobid
ARGV[6] optional jobs per time unit (rate limiter)
ARGV[7] optional time unit (rate limiter)
ARGV[8] optional do not do anything with job if rate limit hit
ARGV[9] optional rate limit by key
local rcall =
local rateLimit = function(jobId, maxJobs)
local rateLimiterKey = KEYS[6];
local limiterIndexTable = rateLimiterKey .. ":index"
-- Rate limit by group?
if(ARGV[9]) then
local group = string.match(jobId, "[^:]+$")
if group ~= nil then
rateLimiterKey = rateLimiterKey .. ":" .. group
-- -- key for storing rate limited jobs
-- When a job has been previously rate limited it should be part of this set
-- if the job is back here means that the delay time for this job has passed and now we should
-- be able to process it again.
local limitedSetKey = rateLimiterKey .. ":limited"
local delay = 0
-- -- Check if job was already limited
local isLimited = rcall("SISMEMBER", limitedSetKey, jobId);
if isLimited == 1 then
-- Remove from limited zset since we are going to try to process it
rcall("SREM", limitedSetKey, jobId)
rcall("HDEL", limiterIndexTable, jobId)
-- If not, check if there are any limited jobs
-- If the job has not been rate limited, we should check if there are any other rate limited jobs, because if that
-- is the case we do not want to process this job, just calculate a delay for it and put it to "sleep".
local numLimitedJobs = rcall("SCARD", limitedSetKey)
if numLimitedJobs > 0 then
-- Note, add some slack to compensate for drift.
delay = ((numLimitedJobs * ARGV[7] * 1.1) / maxJobs) + tonumber(rcall("PTTL", rateLimiterKey))
local jobCounter = tonumber(rcall("GET", rateLimiterKey))
if(jobCounter == nil) then
jobCounter = 0
-- check if rate limit hit
if (delay == 0) and (jobCounter >= maxJobs) then
-- Seems like there are no current rated limited jobs, but the jobCounter has exceeded the number of jobs for this unit of time so we need to rate limit this job.
local exceedingJobs = jobCounter - maxJobs
delay = tonumber(rcall("PTTL", rateLimiterKey)) + ((exceedingJobs) * ARGV[7]) / maxJobs
if delay > 0 then
local bounceBack = ARGV[8]
if bounceBack == 'false' then
local timestamp = delay + tonumber(ARGV[4])
-- put job into delayed queue
rcall("ZADD", KEYS[7], timestamp * 0x1000 +, 0xfff), jobId)
rcall("PUBLISH", KEYS[7], timestamp)
rcall("SADD", limitedSetKey, jobId)
-- store index so that we can delete rate limited data
rcall("HSET", limiterIndexTable, jobId, limitedSetKey)
-- remove from active queue
rcall("LREM", KEYS[2], 1, jobId)
return true
-- false indicates not rate limited
-- increment jobCounter only when a job is not rate limited
if (jobCounter == 0) then
rcall("PSETEX", rateLimiterKey, ARGV[7], 1)
rcall("INCR", rateLimiterKey)
return false
local jobId = ARGV[5]
if jobId ~= '' then
-- clean stalled key
rcall("SREM", KEYS[5], jobId)
-- move from wait to active
jobId = rcall("RPOPLPUSH", KEYS[1], KEYS[2])
if jobId then
-- Check if we need to perform rate limiting.
local maxJobs = tonumber(ARGV[6])
if maxJobs then
if rateLimit(jobId, maxJobs) then
-- get a lock
local jobKey = ARGV[1] .. jobId
local lockKey = jobKey .. ':lock'
rcall("SET", lockKey, ARGV[2], "PX", ARGV[3])
-- remove from priority
rcall("ZREM", KEYS[3], jobId)
rcall("PUBLISH", KEYS[4], jobId)
rcall("HSET", jobKey, "processedOn", ARGV[4])
return {rcall("HGETALL", jobKey), jobId} -- get job data
rcall("PUBLISH", KEYS[8], "")
module.exports = {
name: 'moveToActive',
keys: 8,