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1 month ago
'use strict';
const content = `--[[
Completely obliterates a queue and all of its contents
KEYS[1] meta-paused
KEYS[2] base
ARGV[1] count
ARGV[2] force
-- This command completely destroys a queue including all of its jobs, current or past
-- leaving no trace of its existence. Since this script needs to iterate to find all the job
-- keys, consider that this call may be slow for very large queues.
-- The queue needs to be "paused" or it will return an error
-- If the queue has currently active jobs then the script by default will return error,
-- however this behaviour can be overrided using the 'force' option.
local maxCount = tonumber(ARGV[1])
local baseKey = KEYS[2]
local rcall =
-- Includes
Function to remove debounce key.
local function removeDebounceKey(prefixKey, jobKey)
local debounceId = rcall("HGET", jobKey, "deid")
if debounceId then
local debounceKey = prefixKey .. "de:" .. debounceId
rcall("DEL", debounceKey)
local function getListItems(keyName, max)
return rcall('LRANGE', keyName, 0, max - 1)
local function getZSetItems(keyName, max)
return rcall('ZRANGE', keyName, 0, max - 1)
local function removeJobs(baseKey, keys)
for i, key in ipairs(keys) do
local jobKey = baseKey .. key
rcall("DEL", jobKey, jobKey .. ':logs')
removeDebounceKey(baseKey, jobKey)
maxCount = maxCount - #keys
local function removeListJobs(keyName, max)
local jobs = getListItems(keyName, max)
removeJobs(baseKey, jobs)
rcall("LTRIM", keyName, #jobs, -1)
local function removeZSetJobs(keyName, max)
local jobs = getZSetItems(keyName, max)
removeJobs(baseKey, jobs)
if (#jobs > 0) then rcall("ZREM", keyName, unpack(jobs)) end
local function removeLockKeys(keys)
for i, key in ipairs(keys) do rcall("DEL", baseKey .. key .. ':lock') end
-- 1) Check if paused, if not return with error.
if rcall("EXISTS", KEYS[1]) ~= 1 then
return -1 -- Error, NotPaused
-- 2) Check if there are active jobs, if there are and not "force" return error.
local activeKey = baseKey .. 'active'
local activeJobs = getListItems(activeKey, maxCount)
if (#activeJobs > 0) then
if (ARGV[2] == "") then
return -2 -- Error, ExistsActiveJobs
removeJobs(baseKey, activeJobs)
rcall("LTRIM", activeKey, #activeJobs, -1)
if (maxCount <= 0) then return 1 end
local waitKey = baseKey .. 'paused'
removeListJobs(waitKey, maxCount)
if (maxCount <= 0) then return 1 end
local delayedKey = baseKey .. 'delayed'
removeZSetJobs(delayedKey, maxCount)
if (maxCount <= 0) then return 1 end
local completedKey = baseKey .. 'completed'
removeZSetJobs(completedKey, maxCount)
if (maxCount <= 0) then return 1 end
local failedKey = baseKey .. 'failed'
removeZSetJobs(failedKey, maxCount)
if (maxCount <= 0) then return 1 end
if (maxCount > 0) then
rcall("DEL", baseKey .. 'priority')
rcall("DEL", baseKey .. 'stalled-check')
rcall("DEL", baseKey .. 'stalled')
rcall("DEL", baseKey .. 'meta-paused')
rcall("DEL", baseKey .. 'meta')
rcall("DEL", baseKey .. 'id')
rcall("DEL", baseKey .. 'repeat')
rcall("DEL", baseKey .. 'metrics:completed')
rcall("DEL", baseKey .. 'metrics:completed:data')
rcall("DEL", baseKey .. 'metrics:failed')
rcall("DEL", baseKey .. 'metrics:failed:data')
return 0
return 1
module.exports = {
name: 'obliterate',
keys: 2,