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1 month ago
'use strict';
const content = `--[[
Remove all jobs matching a given pattern from all the queues they may be in as well as all its data.
In order to be able to remove any job, they must be unlocked.
KEYS[1] 'active',
KEYS[2] 'wait',
KEYS[3] 'delayed',
KEYS[4] 'paused',
KEYS[5] 'completed',
KEYS[6] 'failed',
KEYS[7] 'priority',
KEYS[8] 'rate-limiter'
ARGV[1] prefix
ARGV[2] pattern
ARGV[3] cursor
-- TODO PUBLISH global events 'removed'
local rcall =
local result = rcall("SCAN", ARGV[3], "MATCH", ARGV[1] .. ARGV[2])
local cursor = result[1];
local jobKeys = result[2];
local removed = {}
local prefixLen = string.len(ARGV[1]) + 1
for i, jobKey in ipairs(jobKeys) do
local keyTypeResp = rcall("TYPE", jobKey)
if keyTypeResp["ok"] == "hash" then
local jobId = string.sub(jobKey, prefixLen)
local lockKey = jobKey .. ':lock'
local lock ="GET", lockKey)
if not lock then
rcall("LREM", KEYS[1], 0, jobId)
rcall("LREM", KEYS[2], 0, jobId)
rcall("ZREM", KEYS[3], jobId)
rcall("LREM", KEYS[4], 0, jobId)
rcall("ZREM", KEYS[5], jobId)
rcall("ZREM", KEYS[6], jobId)
rcall("ZREM", KEYS[7], jobId)
rcall("DEL", jobKey)
rcall("DEL", jobKey .. ':logs')
-- delete keys related to rate limiter
local limiterIndexTable = KEYS[8] .. ":index"
local limitedSetKey = rcall("HGET", limiterIndexTable, jobId)
if limitedSetKey then
rcall("SREM", limitedSetKey, jobId)
rcall("HDEL", limiterIndexTable, jobId)
table.insert(removed, jobId)
return {cursor, removed}
module.exports = {
name: 'removeJobs',
keys: 8,