import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs'; import json from 'rollup-plugin-json'; import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve'; const bannerLines = [ 'This file contains the Bottleneck library (MIT), compiled to ES2017, and without Clustering support.', '', ].map(x => ` * ${x}`).join('\n'); const banner = `/**\n${bannerLines}\n */`; const missing = `export default () => console.log('You must import the full version of Bottleneck in order to use this feature.');`; const exclude = [ 'RedisDatastore.js', 'RedisConnection.js', 'IORedisConnection.js', 'Scripts.js' ]; export default { input: 'lib/index.js', output: { name: 'Bottleneck', file: 'light.js', sourcemap: false, globals: {}, format: 'umd', banner }, external: [], plugins: [ json(), { load: id => { const chunks = id.split('/'); const file = chunks[chunks.length - 1]; if (exclude.indexOf(file) >= 0) { return missing } } }, resolve(), commonjs() ] };