var makeTest = require('./context') var Bottleneck = require('./bottleneck') var assert = require('assert') describe('Promises', function () { var c afterEach(function () { return c.limiter.disconnect(false) }) it('Should support promises', function () { c = makeTest({maxConcurrent: 1, minTime: 100}) c.limiter.submit(c.job, null, 1, 9, c.noErrVal(1, 9)) c.limiter.submit(c.job, null, 2, c.noErrVal(2)) c.limiter.submit(c.job, null, 3, c.noErrVal(3)) c.pNoErrVal(c.limiter.schedule(c.promise, null, 4, 5), 4, 5) return c.last() .then(function (results) { c.checkResultsOrder([[1,9], [2], [3], [4,5]]) c.checkDuration(300) }) }) it('Should pass error on failure', function () { var failureMessage = 'failed' c = makeTest({maxConcurrent: 1, minTime: 100}) return c.limiter.schedule(c.promise, new Error(failureMessage)) .catch(function (err) { c.mustEqual(err.message, failureMessage) }) }) it('Should allow non-Promise returns', function () { c = makeTest() var str = 'This is a string' return c.limiter.schedule(() => str) .then(function (x) { c.mustEqual(x, str) }) }) it('Should get rejected when rejectOnDrop is true', function () { c = makeTest({ maxConcurrent: 1, minTime: 0, highWater: 1, strategy: Bottleneck.strategy.OVERFLOW, rejectOnDrop: true }) var dropped = 0 var caught = 0 var p1 var p2 c.limiter.on('dropped', function () { dropped++ }) p1 = c.pNoErrVal(c.limiter.schedule({id: 1}, c.slowPromise, 50, null, 1), 1) p2 = c.pNoErrVal(c.limiter.schedule({id: 2}, c.slowPromise, 50, null, 2), 2) return c.limiter.schedule({id: 3}, c.slowPromise, 50, null, 3) .catch(function (err) { c.mustEqual(err.message, 'This job has been dropped by Bottleneck') assert(err instanceof Bottleneck.BottleneckError) caught++ return Promise.all([p1, p2]) }) .then(c.last) .then(function (results) { c.checkResultsOrder([[1], [2]]) c.checkDuration(100) c.mustEqual(dropped, 1) c.mustEqual(caught, 1) }) }) it('Should automatically wrap an exception in a rejected promise - schedule()', function () { c = makeTest({maxConcurrent: 1, minTime: 100}) return c.limiter.schedule(() => { throw new Error('I will reject') }) .then(() => assert(false)) .catch(err => { assert(err.message === 'I will reject'); }) }) describe('Wrap', function () { it('Should wrap', function () { c = makeTest({maxConcurrent: 1, minTime: 100}) c.limiter.submit(c.job, null, 1, c.noErrVal(1)) c.limiter.submit(c.job, null, 2, c.noErrVal(2)) c.limiter.submit(c.job, null, 3, c.noErrVal(3)) var wrapped = c.limiter.wrap(c.promise) c.pNoErrVal(wrapped(null, 4), 4) return c.last() .then(function (results) { c.checkResultsOrder([[1], [2], [3], [4]]) c.checkDuration(300) }) }) it('Should automatically wrap a returned value in a resolved promise', function () { c = makeTest({maxConcurrent: 1, minTime: 100}) fn = c.limiter.wrap(() => { return 7 }); return fn().then(result => { assert(result === 7); }) }) it('Should automatically wrap an exception in a rejected promise', function () { c = makeTest({maxConcurrent: 1, minTime: 100}) fn = c.limiter.wrap(() => { throw new Error('I will reject') }); return fn().then(() => assert(false)).catch(error => { assert(error.message === 'I will reject'); }) }) it('Should inherit the original target for wrapped methods', function () { c = makeTest({maxConcurrent: 1, minTime: 100}) var object = { fn: c.limiter.wrap(function () { return this }) } return object.fn().then(result => { assert(result === object) }) }) it('Should inherit the original target on prototype methods', function () { c = makeTest({maxConcurrent: 1, minTime: 100}) class Animal { constructor(name) { = name } getName() { return } } Animal.prototype.getName = c.limiter.wrap(Animal.prototype.getName) let elephant = new Animal('Dumbo') return elephant.getName().then(result => { assert(result === 'Dumbo') }) }) it('Should pass errors back', function () { var failureMessage = 'BLEW UP!!!' c = makeTest({maxConcurrent: 1, minTime: 100}) var wrapped = c.limiter.wrap(c.promise) c.pNoErrVal(wrapped(null, 1), 1) c.pNoErrVal(wrapped(null, 2), 2) return wrapped(new Error(failureMessage), 3) .catch(function (err) { c.mustEqual(err.message, failureMessage) return c.last() }) .then(function (results) { c.checkResultsOrder([[1], [2], [3]]) c.checkDuration(200) }) }) it('Should allow passing options', function () { var failureMessage = 'BLEW UP!!!' c = makeTest({maxConcurrent: 1, minTime: 50}) var wrapped = c.limiter.wrap(c.promise) c.pNoErrVal(wrapped(null, 1), 1) c.pNoErrVal(wrapped(null, 2), 2) c.pNoErrVal(wrapped(null, 3), 3) c.pNoErrVal(wrapped(null, 4), 4) c.pNoErrVal(wrapped.withOptions({ priority: 1 }, null, 5), 5) return wrapped.withOptions({ priority: 1 }, new Error(failureMessage), 6) .catch(function (err) { c.mustEqual(err.message, failureMessage) return c.last() }) .then(function (results) { c.checkResultsOrder([[1], [2], [5], [6], [3], [4]]) c.checkDuration(250) }) }) }) })