"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const commands_1 = require("@ioredis/commands"); const events_1 = require("events"); const redis_errors_1 = require("redis-errors"); const standard_as_callback_1 = require("standard-as-callback"); const Command_1 = require("../Command"); const ClusterAllFailedError_1 = require("../errors/ClusterAllFailedError"); const Redis_1 = require("../Redis"); const ScanStream_1 = require("../ScanStream"); const transaction_1 = require("../transaction"); const utils_1 = require("../utils"); const applyMixin_1 = require("../utils/applyMixin"); const Commander_1 = require("../utils/Commander"); const ClusterOptions_1 = require("./ClusterOptions"); const ClusterSubscriber_1 = require("./ClusterSubscriber"); const ConnectionPool_1 = require("./ConnectionPool"); const DelayQueue_1 = require("./DelayQueue"); const util_1 = require("./util"); const Deque = require("denque"); const debug = (0, utils_1.Debug)("cluster"); const REJECT_OVERWRITTEN_COMMANDS = new WeakSet(); /** * Client for the official Redis Cluster */ class Cluster extends Commander_1.default { /** * Creates an instance of Cluster. */ constructor(startupNodes, options = {}) { super(); this.slots = []; /** * @ignore */ this._groupsIds = {}; /** * @ignore */ this._groupsBySlot = Array(16384); /** * @ignore */ this.isCluster = true; this.retryAttempts = 0; this.delayQueue = new DelayQueue_1.default(); this.offlineQueue = new Deque(); this.isRefreshing = false; this._refreshSlotsCacheCallbacks = []; this._autoPipelines = new Map(); this._runningAutoPipelines = new Set(); this._readyDelayedCallbacks = []; /** * Every time Cluster#connect() is called, this value will be * auto-incrementing. The purpose of this value is used for * discarding previous connect attampts when creating a new * connection. */ this.connectionEpoch = 0; events_1.EventEmitter.call(this); this.startupNodes = startupNodes; this.options = (0, utils_1.defaults)({}, options, ClusterOptions_1.DEFAULT_CLUSTER_OPTIONS, this.options); if (this.options.redisOptions && this.options.redisOptions.keyPrefix && !this.options.keyPrefix) { this.options.keyPrefix = this.options.redisOptions.keyPrefix; } // validate options if (typeof this.options.scaleReads !== "function" && ["all", "master", "slave"].indexOf(this.options.scaleReads) === -1) { throw new Error('Invalid option scaleReads "' + this.options.scaleReads + '". Expected "all", "master", "slave" or a custom function'); } this.connectionPool = new ConnectionPool_1.default(this.options.redisOptions); this.connectionPool.on("-node", (redis, key) => { this.emit("-node", redis); }); this.connectionPool.on("+node", (redis) => { this.emit("+node", redis); }); this.connectionPool.on("drain", () => { this.setStatus("close"); }); this.connectionPool.on("nodeError", (error, key) => { this.emit("node error", error, key); }); this.subscriber = new ClusterSubscriber_1.default(this.connectionPool, this); if (this.options.scripts) { Object.entries(this.options.scripts).forEach(([name, definition]) => { this.defineCommand(name, definition); }); } if (this.options.lazyConnect) { this.setStatus("wait"); } else { this.connect().catch((err) => { debug("connecting failed: %s", err); }); } } /** * Connect to a cluster */ connect() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.status === "connecting" || this.status === "connect" || this.status === "ready") { reject(new Error("Redis is already connecting/connected")); return; } const epoch = ++this.connectionEpoch; this.setStatus("connecting"); this.resolveStartupNodeHostnames() .then((nodes) => { if (this.connectionEpoch !== epoch) { debug("discard connecting after resolving startup nodes because epoch not match: %d != %d", epoch, this.connectionEpoch); reject(new redis_errors_1.RedisError("Connection is discarded because a new connection is made")); return; } if (this.status !== "connecting") { debug("discard connecting after resolving startup nodes because the status changed to %s", this.status); reject(new redis_errors_1.RedisError("Connection is aborted")); return; } this.connectionPool.reset(nodes); const readyHandler = () => { this.setStatus("ready"); this.retryAttempts = 0; this.executeOfflineCommands(); this.resetNodesRefreshInterval(); resolve(); }; let closeListener = undefined; const refreshListener = () => { this.invokeReadyDelayedCallbacks(undefined); this.removeListener("close", closeListener); this.manuallyClosing = false; this.setStatus("connect"); if (this.options.enableReadyCheck) { this.readyCheck((err, fail) => { if (err || fail) { debug("Ready check failed (%s). Reconnecting...", err || fail); if (this.status === "connect") { this.disconnect(true); } } else { readyHandler(); } }); } else { readyHandler(); } }; closeListener = () => { const error = new Error("None of startup nodes is available"); this.removeListener("refresh", refreshListener); this.invokeReadyDelayedCallbacks(error); reject(error); }; this.once("refresh", refreshListener); this.once("close", closeListener); this.once("close", this.handleCloseEvent.bind(this)); this.refreshSlotsCache((err) => { if (err && err.message === ClusterAllFailedError_1.default.defaultMessage) { Redis_1.default.prototype.silentEmit.call(this, "error", err); this.connectionPool.reset([]); } }); this.subscriber.start(); }) .catch((err) => { this.setStatus("close"); this.handleCloseEvent(err); this.invokeReadyDelayedCallbacks(err); reject(err); }); }); } /** * Disconnect from every node in the cluster. */ disconnect(reconnect = false) { const status = this.status; this.setStatus("disconnecting"); if (!reconnect) { this.manuallyClosing = true; } if (this.reconnectTimeout && !reconnect) { clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimeout); this.reconnectTimeout = null; debug("Canceled reconnecting attempts"); } this.clearNodesRefreshInterval(); this.subscriber.stop(); if (status === "wait") { this.setStatus("close"); this.handleCloseEvent(); } else { this.connectionPool.reset([]); } } /** * Quit the cluster gracefully. */ quit(callback) { const status = this.status; this.setStatus("disconnecting"); this.manuallyClosing = true; if (this.reconnectTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimeout); this.reconnectTimeout = null; } this.clearNodesRefreshInterval(); this.subscriber.stop(); if (status === "wait") { const ret = (0, standard_as_callback_1.default)(Promise.resolve("OK"), callback); // use setImmediate to make sure "close" event // being emitted after quit() is returned setImmediate(function () { this.setStatus("close"); this.handleCloseEvent(); }.bind(this)); return ret; } return (0, standard_as_callback_1.default)(Promise.all(this.nodes().map((node) => node.quit().catch((err) => { // Ignore the error caused by disconnecting since // we're disconnecting... if (err.message === utils_1.CONNECTION_CLOSED_ERROR_MSG) { return "OK"; } throw err; }))).then(() => "OK"), callback); } /** * Create a new instance with the same startup nodes and options as the current one. * * @example * ```js * var cluster = new Redis.Cluster([{ host: "", port: "30001" }]); * var anotherCluster = cluster.duplicate(); * ``` */ duplicate(overrideStartupNodes = [], overrideOptions = {}) { const startupNodes = overrideStartupNodes.length > 0 ? overrideStartupNodes : this.startupNodes.slice(0); const options = Object.assign({}, this.options, overrideOptions); return new Cluster(startupNodes, options); } /** * Get nodes with the specified role */ nodes(role = "all") { if (role !== "all" && role !== "master" && role !== "slave") { throw new Error('Invalid role "' + role + '". Expected "all", "master" or "slave"'); } return this.connectionPool.getNodes(role); } /** * This is needed in order not to install a listener for each auto pipeline * * @ignore */ delayUntilReady(callback) { this._readyDelayedCallbacks.push(callback); } /** * Get the number of commands queued in automatic pipelines. * * This is not available (and returns 0) until the cluster is connected and slots information have been received. */ get autoPipelineQueueSize() { let queued = 0; for (const pipeline of this._autoPipelines.values()) { queued += pipeline.length; } return queued; } /** * Refresh the slot cache * * @ignore */ refreshSlotsCache(callback) { if (callback) { this._refreshSlotsCacheCallbacks.push(callback); } if (this.isRefreshing) { return; } this.isRefreshing = true; const _this = this; const wrapper = (error) => { this.isRefreshing = false; for (const callback of this._refreshSlotsCacheCallbacks) { callback(error); } this._refreshSlotsCacheCallbacks = []; }; const nodes = (0, utils_1.shuffle)(this.connectionPool.getNodes()); let lastNodeError = null; function tryNode(index) { if (index === nodes.length) { const error = new ClusterAllFailedError_1.default(ClusterAllFailedError_1.default.defaultMessage, lastNodeError); return wrapper(error); } const node = nodes[index]; const key = `${node.options.host}:${node.options.port}`; debug("getting slot cache from %s", key); _this.getInfoFromNode(node, function (err) { switch (_this.status) { case "close": case "end": return wrapper(new Error("Cluster is disconnected.")); case "disconnecting": return wrapper(new Error("Cluster is disconnecting.")); } if (err) { _this.emit("node error", err, key); lastNodeError = err; tryNode(index + 1); } else { _this.emit("refresh"); wrapper(); } }); } tryNode(0); } /** * @ignore */ sendCommand(command, stream, node) { if (this.status === "wait") { this.connect().catch(utils_1.noop); } if (this.status === "end") { command.reject(new Error(utils_1.CONNECTION_CLOSED_ERROR_MSG)); return command.promise; } let to = this.options.scaleReads; if (to !== "master") { const isCommandReadOnly = command.isReadOnly || ((0, commands_1.exists)(command.name) && (0, commands_1.hasFlag)(command.name, "readonly")); if (!isCommandReadOnly) { to = "master"; } } let targetSlot = node ? node.slot : command.getSlot(); const ttl = {}; const _this = this; if (!node && !REJECT_OVERWRITTEN_COMMANDS.has(command)) { REJECT_OVERWRITTEN_COMMANDS.add(command); const reject = command.reject; command.reject = function (err) { const partialTry = tryConnection.bind(null, true); _this.handleError(err, ttl, { moved: function (slot, key) { debug("command %s is moved to %s", command.name, key); targetSlot = Number(slot); if (_this.slots[slot]) { _this.slots[slot][0] = key; } else { _this.slots[slot] = [key]; } _this._groupsBySlot[slot] = _this._groupsIds[_this.slots[slot].join(";")]; _this.connectionPool.findOrCreate(_this.natMapper(key)); tryConnection(); debug("refreshing slot caches... (triggered by MOVED error)"); _this.refreshSlotsCache(); }, ask: function (slot, key) { debug("command %s is required to ask %s:%s", command.name, key); const mapped = _this.natMapper(key); _this.connectionPool.findOrCreate(mapped); tryConnection(false, `${mapped.host}:${mapped.port}`); }, tryagain: partialTry, clusterDown: partialTry, connectionClosed: partialTry, maxRedirections: function (redirectionError) { reject.call(command, redirectionError); }, defaults: function () { reject.call(command, err); }, }); }; } tryConnection(); function tryConnection(random, asking) { if (_this.status === "end") { command.reject(new redis_errors_1.AbortError("Cluster is ended.")); return; } let redis; if (_this.status === "ready" || command.name === "cluster") { if (node && node.redis) { redis = node.redis; } else if (Command_1.default.checkFlag("ENTER_SUBSCRIBER_MODE", command.name) || Command_1.default.checkFlag("EXIT_SUBSCRIBER_MODE", command.name)) { redis = _this.subscriber.getInstance(); if (!redis) { command.reject(new redis_errors_1.AbortError("No subscriber for the cluster")); return; } } else { if (!random) { if (typeof targetSlot === "number" && _this.slots[targetSlot]) { const nodeKeys = _this.slots[targetSlot]; if (typeof to === "function") { const nodes = nodeKeys.map(function (key) { return _this.connectionPool.getInstanceByKey(key); }); redis = to(nodes, command); if (Array.isArray(redis)) { redis = (0, utils_1.sample)(redis); } if (!redis) { redis = nodes[0]; } } else { let key; if (to === "all") { key = (0, utils_1.sample)(nodeKeys); } else if (to === "slave" && nodeKeys.length > 1) { key = (0, utils_1.sample)(nodeKeys, 1); } else { key = nodeKeys[0]; } redis = _this.connectionPool.getInstanceByKey(key); } } if (asking) { redis = _this.connectionPool.getInstanceByKey(asking); redis.asking(); } } if (!redis) { redis = (typeof to === "function" ? null : _this.connectionPool.getSampleInstance(to)) || _this.connectionPool.getSampleInstance("all"); } } if (node && !node.redis) { node.redis = redis; } } if (redis) { redis.sendCommand(command, stream); } else if (_this.options.enableOfflineQueue) { _this.offlineQueue.push({ command: command, stream: stream, node: node, }); } else { command.reject(new Error("Cluster isn't ready and enableOfflineQueue options is false")); } } return command.promise; } sscanStream(key, options) { return this.createScanStream("sscan", { key, options }); } sscanBufferStream(key, options) { return this.createScanStream("sscanBuffer", { key, options }); } hscanStream(key, options) { return this.createScanStream("hscan", { key, options }); } hscanBufferStream(key, options) { return this.createScanStream("hscanBuffer", { key, options }); } zscanStream(key, options) { return this.createScanStream("zscan", { key, options }); } zscanBufferStream(key, options) { return this.createScanStream("zscanBuffer", { key, options }); } /** * @ignore */ handleError(error, ttl, handlers) { if (typeof ttl.value === "undefined") { ttl.value = this.options.maxRedirections; } else { ttl.value -= 1; } if (ttl.value <= 0) { handlers.maxRedirections(new Error("Too many Cluster redirections. Last error: " + error)); return; } const errv = error.message.split(" "); if (errv[0] === "MOVED") { const timeout = this.options.retryDelayOnMoved; if (timeout && typeof timeout === "number") { this.delayQueue.push("moved", handlers.moved.bind(null, errv[1], errv[2]), { timeout }); } else { handlers.moved(errv[1], errv[2]); } } else if (errv[0] === "ASK") { handlers.ask(errv[1], errv[2]); } else if (errv[0] === "TRYAGAIN") { this.delayQueue.push("tryagain", handlers.tryagain, { timeout: this.options.retryDelayOnTryAgain, }); } else if (errv[0] === "CLUSTERDOWN" && this.options.retryDelayOnClusterDown > 0) { this.delayQueue.push("clusterdown", handlers.connectionClosed, { timeout: this.options.retryDelayOnClusterDown, callback: this.refreshSlotsCache.bind(this), }); } else if (error.message === utils_1.CONNECTION_CLOSED_ERROR_MSG && this.options.retryDelayOnFailover > 0 && this.status === "ready") { this.delayQueue.push("failover", handlers.connectionClosed, { timeout: this.options.retryDelayOnFailover, callback: this.refreshSlotsCache.bind(this), }); } else { handlers.defaults(); } } resetOfflineQueue() { this.offlineQueue = new Deque(); } clearNodesRefreshInterval() { if (this.slotsTimer) { clearTimeout(this.slotsTimer); this.slotsTimer = null; } } resetNodesRefreshInterval() { if (this.slotsTimer || !this.options.slotsRefreshInterval) { return; } const nextRound = () => { this.slotsTimer = setTimeout(() => { debug('refreshing slot caches... (triggered by "slotsRefreshInterval" option)'); this.refreshSlotsCache(() => { nextRound(); }); }, this.options.slotsRefreshInterval); }; nextRound(); } /** * Change cluster instance's status */ setStatus(status) { debug("status: %s -> %s", this.status || "[empty]", status); this.status = status; process.nextTick(() => { this.emit(status); }); } /** * Called when closed to check whether a reconnection should be made */ handleCloseEvent(reason) { if (reason) { debug("closed because %s", reason); } let retryDelay; if (!this.manuallyClosing && typeof this.options.clusterRetryStrategy === "function") { retryDelay = this.options.clusterRetryStrategy.call(this, ++this.retryAttempts, reason); } if (typeof retryDelay === "number") { this.setStatus("reconnecting"); this.reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.reconnectTimeout = null; debug("Cluster is disconnected. Retrying after %dms", retryDelay); this.connect().catch(function (err) { debug("Got error %s when reconnecting. Ignoring...", err); }); }, retryDelay); } else { this.setStatus("end"); this.flushQueue(new Error("None of startup nodes is available")); } } /** * Flush offline queue with error. */ flushQueue(error) { let item; while ((item = this.offlineQueue.shift())) { item.command.reject(error); } } executeOfflineCommands() { if (this.offlineQueue.length) { debug("send %d commands in offline queue", this.offlineQueue.length); const offlineQueue = this.offlineQueue; this.resetOfflineQueue(); let item; while ((item = offlineQueue.shift())) { this.sendCommand(item.command, item.stream, item.node); } } } natMapper(nodeKey) { if (this.options.natMap && typeof this.options.natMap === "object") { const key = typeof nodeKey === "string" ? nodeKey : `${nodeKey.host}:${nodeKey.port}`; const mapped = this.options.natMap[key]; if (mapped) { debug("NAT mapping %s -> %O", key, mapped); return Object.assign({}, mapped); } } return typeof nodeKey === "string" ? (0, util_1.nodeKeyToRedisOptions)(nodeKey) : nodeKey; } getInfoFromNode(redis, callback) { if (!redis) { return callback(new Error("Node is disconnected")); } // Use a duplication of the connection to avoid // timeouts when the connection is in the blocking // mode (e.g. waiting for BLPOP). const duplicatedConnection = redis.duplicate({ enableOfflineQueue: true, enableReadyCheck: false, retryStrategy: null, connectionName: (0, util_1.getConnectionName)("refresher", this.options.redisOptions && this.options.redisOptions.connectionName), }); // Ignore error events since we will handle // exceptions for the CLUSTER SLOTS command. duplicatedConnection.on("error", utils_1.noop); duplicatedConnection.cluster("SLOTS", (0, utils_1.timeout)((err, result) => { duplicatedConnection.disconnect(); if (err) { return callback(err); } if (this.status === "disconnecting" || this.status === "close" || this.status === "end") { debug("ignore CLUSTER.SLOTS results (count: %d) since cluster status is %s", result.length, this.status); callback(); return; } const nodes = []; debug("cluster slots result count: %d", result.length); for (let i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) { const items = result[i]; const slotRangeStart = items[0]; const slotRangeEnd = items[1]; const keys = []; for (let j = 2; j < items.length; j++) { if (!items[j][0]) { continue; } const node = this.natMapper({ host: items[j][0], port: items[j][1], }); node.readOnly = j !== 2; nodes.push(node); keys.push(node.host + ":" + node.port); } debug("cluster slots result [%d]: slots %d~%d served by %s", i, slotRangeStart, slotRangeEnd, keys); for (let slot = slotRangeStart; slot <= slotRangeEnd; slot++) { this.slots[slot] = keys; } } // Assign to each node keys a numeric value to make autopipeline comparison faster. this._groupsIds = Object.create(null); let j = 0; for (let i = 0; i < 16384; i++) { const target = (this.slots[i] || []).join(";"); if (!target.length) { this._groupsBySlot[i] = undefined; continue; } if (!this._groupsIds[target]) { this._groupsIds[target] = ++j; } this._groupsBySlot[i] = this._groupsIds[target]; } this.connectionPool.reset(nodes); callback(); }, this.options.slotsRefreshTimeout)); } invokeReadyDelayedCallbacks(err) { for (const c of this._readyDelayedCallbacks) { process.nextTick(c, err); } this._readyDelayedCallbacks = []; } /** * Check whether Cluster is able to process commands */ readyCheck(callback) { this.cluster("INFO", (err, res) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (typeof res !== "string") { return callback(); } let state; const lines = res.split("\r\n"); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { const parts = lines[i].split(":"); if (parts[0] === "cluster_state") { state = parts[1]; break; } } if (state === "fail") { debug("cluster state not ok (%s)", state); callback(null, state); } else { callback(); } }); } resolveSrv(hostname) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.options.resolveSrv(hostname, (err, records) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } const self = this, groupedRecords = (0, util_1.groupSrvRecords)(records), sortedKeys = Object.keys(groupedRecords).sort((a, b) => parseInt(a) - parseInt(b)); function tryFirstOne(err) { if (!sortedKeys.length) { return reject(err); } const key = sortedKeys[0], group = groupedRecords[key], record = (0, util_1.weightSrvRecords)(group); if (!group.records.length) { sortedKeys.shift(); } self.dnsLookup(record.name).then((host) => resolve({ host, port: record.port, }), tryFirstOne); } tryFirstOne(); }); }); } dnsLookup(hostname) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.options.dnsLookup(hostname, (err, address) => { if (err) { debug("failed to resolve hostname %s to IP: %s", hostname, err.message); reject(err); } else { debug("resolved hostname %s to IP %s", hostname, address); resolve(address); } }); }); } /** * Normalize startup nodes, and resolving hostnames to IPs. * * This process happens every time when #connect() is called since * #startupNodes and DNS records may chanage. */ async resolveStartupNodeHostnames() { if (!Array.isArray(this.startupNodes) || this.startupNodes.length === 0) { throw new Error("`startupNodes` should contain at least one node."); } const startupNodes = (0, util_1.normalizeNodeOptions)(this.startupNodes); const hostnames = (0, util_1.getUniqueHostnamesFromOptions)(startupNodes); if (hostnames.length === 0) { return startupNodes; } const configs = await Promise.all(hostnames.map((this.options.useSRVRecords ? this.resolveSrv : this.dnsLookup).bind(this))); const hostnameToConfig = (0, utils_1.zipMap)(hostnames, configs); return startupNodes.map((node) => { const config = hostnameToConfig.get(node.host); if (!config) { return node; } if (this.options.useSRVRecords) { return Object.assign({}, node, config); } return Object.assign({}, node, { host: config }); }); } createScanStream(command, { key, options = {} }) { return new ScanStream_1.default({ objectMode: true, key: key, redis: this, command: command, ...options, }); } } (0, applyMixin_1.default)(Cluster, events_1.EventEmitter); (0, transaction_1.addTransactionSupport)(Cluster.prototype); exports.default = Cluster;