* This file is generated by @ioredis/interface-generator.
* Don't edit it manually. Instead, run `npm run generate` to update
* this file.
import { Callback } from "../types";
export declare type RedisKey = string | Buffer;
export declare type RedisValue = string | Buffer | number;
export interface ResultTypes {
default: Promise;
pipeline: ChainableCommander;
export interface ChainableCommander extends RedisCommander<{
type: "pipeline";
}> {
length: number;
export declare type ClientContext = {
type: keyof ResultTypes;
export declare type Result = ResultTypes[Context["type"]];
interface RedisCommander {
* Call arbitrary commands.
* `redis.call('set', 'foo', 'bar')` is the same as `redis.set('foo', 'bar')`,
* so the only case you need to use this method is when the command is not
* supported by ioredis.
* ```ts
* redis.call('set', 'foo', 'bar');
* redis.call('get', 'foo', (err, value) => {
* // value === 'bar'
* });
* ```
call(command: string, callback?: Callback): Result;
call(command: string, args: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback?: Callback): Result;
call(...args: [
command: string,
...args: (string | Buffer | number)[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
call(...args: [command: string, ...args: (string | Buffer | number)[]]): Result;
callBuffer(command: string, callback?: Callback): Result;
callBuffer(command: string, args: (string | Buffer | number)[], callback?: Callback): Result;
callBuffer(...args: [
command: string,
...args: (string | Buffer | number)[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
callBuffer(...args: [command: string, ...args: (string | Buffer | number)[]]): Result;
* List the ACL categories or the commands inside a category
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(1) since the categories and commands are a fixed set.
* - _since_: 6.0.0
acl(subcommand: "CAT", callback?: Callback): Result;
acl(subcommand: "CAT", categoryname: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback): Result;
* Remove the specified ACL users and the associated rules
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(1) amortized time considering the typical user.
* - _since_: 6.0.0
acl(...args: [
subcommand: "DELUSER",
...usernames: (string | Buffer)[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
acl(...args: [subcommand: "DELUSER", ...usernames: (string | Buffer)[]]): Result;
* Returns whether the user can execute the given command without executing the command.
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(1).
* - _since_: 7.0.0
acl(subcommand: "DRYRUN", username: string | Buffer, command: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback): Result;
aclBuffer(subcommand: "DRYRUN", username: string | Buffer, command: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback): Result;
acl(...args: [
subcommand: "DRYRUN",
username: string | Buffer,
command: string | Buffer,
...args: (string | Buffer | number)[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
aclBuffer(...args: [
subcommand: "DRYRUN",
username: string | Buffer,
command: string | Buffer,
...args: (string | Buffer | number)[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
acl(...args: [
subcommand: "DRYRUN",
username: string | Buffer,
command: string | Buffer,
...args: (string | Buffer | number)[]
]): Result;
aclBuffer(...args: [
subcommand: "DRYRUN",
username: string | Buffer,
command: string | Buffer,
...args: (string | Buffer | number)[]
]): Result;
* Generate a pseudorandom secure password to use for ACL users
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 6.0.0
acl(subcommand: "GENPASS", callback?: Callback): Result;
aclBuffer(subcommand: "GENPASS", callback?: Callback): Result;
acl(subcommand: "GENPASS", bits: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
aclBuffer(subcommand: "GENPASS", bits: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
* Get the rules for a specific ACL user
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(N). Where N is the number of password, command and pattern rules that the user has.
* - _since_: 6.0.0
acl(subcommand: "GETUSER", username: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback): Result;
aclBuffer(subcommand: "GETUSER", username: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback): Result;
* Show helpful text about the different subcommands
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 6.0.0
acl(subcommand: "HELP", callback?: Callback): Result;
* List the current ACL rules in ACL config file format
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(N). Where N is the number of configured users.
* - _since_: 6.0.0
acl(subcommand: "LIST", callback?: Callback): Result;
aclBuffer(subcommand: "LIST", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Reload the ACLs from the configured ACL file
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(N). Where N is the number of configured users.
* - _since_: 6.0.0
acl(subcommand: "LOAD", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* List latest events denied because of ACLs in place
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(N) with N being the number of entries shown.
* - _since_: 6.0.0
acl(subcommand: "LOG", callback?: Callback): Result;
acl(subcommand: "LOG", count: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
acl(subcommand: "LOG", reset: "RESET", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Save the current ACL rules in the configured ACL file
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(N). Where N is the number of configured users.
* - _since_: 6.0.0
acl(subcommand: "SAVE", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Modify or create the rules for a specific ACL user
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(N). Where N is the number of rules provided.
* - _since_: 6.0.0
acl(subcommand: "SETUSER", username: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
acl(...args: [
subcommand: "SETUSER",
username: string | Buffer,
...rules: (string | Buffer)[],
callback: Callback<"OK">
]): Result<"OK", Context>;
acl(...args: [
subcommand: "SETUSER",
username: string | Buffer,
...rules: (string | Buffer)[]
]): Result<"OK", Context>;
* List the username of all the configured ACL rules
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(N). Where N is the number of configured users.
* - _since_: 6.0.0
acl(subcommand: "USERS", callback?: Callback): Result;
aclBuffer(subcommand: "USERS", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Return the name of the user associated to the current connection
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 6.0.0
acl(subcommand: "WHOAMI", callback?: Callback): Result;
aclBuffer(subcommand: "WHOAMI", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Append a value to a key
* - _group_: string
* - _complexity_: O(1). The amortized time complexity is O(1) assuming the appended value is small and the already present value is of any size, since the dynamic string library used by Redis will double the free space available on every reallocation.
* - _since_: 2.0.0
append(key: RedisKey, value: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback): Result;
* Sent by cluster clients after an -ASK redirect
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
asking(callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Authenticate to the server
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of passwords defined for the user
* - _since_: 1.0.0
auth(password: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
auth(username: string | Buffer, password: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 1.0.0
bgrewriteaof(callback?: Callback): Result;
bgrewriteaofBuffer(callback?: Callback): Result;
* Asynchronously save the dataset to disk
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 1.0.0
bgsave(callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
bgsave(schedule: "SCHEDULE", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Count set bits in a string
* - _group_: bitmap
* - _complexity_: O(N)
* - _since_: 2.6.0
bitcount(key: RedisKey, callback?: Callback): Result;
bitcount(key: RedisKey, start: number | string, end: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
bitcount(key: RedisKey, start: number | string, end: number | string, byte: "BYTE", callback?: Callback): Result;
bitcount(key: RedisKey, start: number | string, end: number | string, bit: "BIT", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Perform arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings
* - _group_: bitmap
* - _complexity_: O(1) for each subcommand specified
* - _since_: 3.2.0
bitfield(key: RedisKey, encodingOffsetToken: "GET", encoding: string | Buffer, offset: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
bitfield(key: RedisKey, encodingOffsetValueToken: "SET", encoding: string | Buffer, offset: number | string, value: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
bitfield(key: RedisKey, encodingOffsetIncrementToken: "INCRBY", encoding: string | Buffer, offset: number | string, increment: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
bitfield(key: RedisKey, overflow: "OVERFLOW", wrap: "WRAP", encodingOffsetValueToken: "SET", encoding: string | Buffer, offset: number | string, value: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
bitfield(key: RedisKey, overflow: "OVERFLOW", wrap: "WRAP", encodingOffsetIncrementToken: "INCRBY", encoding: string | Buffer, offset: number | string, increment: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
bitfield(key: RedisKey, overflow: "OVERFLOW", sat: "SAT", encodingOffsetValueToken: "SET", encoding: string | Buffer, offset: number | string, value: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
bitfield(key: RedisKey, overflow: "OVERFLOW", sat: "SAT", encodingOffsetIncrementToken: "INCRBY", encoding: string | Buffer, offset: number | string, increment: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
bitfield(key: RedisKey, overflow: "OVERFLOW", fail: "FAIL", encodingOffsetValueToken: "SET", encoding: string | Buffer, offset: number | string, value: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
bitfield(key: RedisKey, overflow: "OVERFLOW", fail: "FAIL", encodingOffsetIncrementToken: "INCRBY", encoding: string | Buffer, offset: number | string, increment: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
* Perform arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings. Read-only variant of BITFIELD
* - _group_: bitmap
* - _complexity_: O(1) for each subcommand specified
* - _since_: 6.0.0
bitfield_ro(...args: [
key: RedisKey,
encodingOffsetToken: "GET",
...encodingOffsets: (string | Buffer | number)[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
bitfield_ro(...args: [
key: RedisKey,
encodingOffsetToken: "GET",
...encodingOffsets: (string | Buffer | number)[]
]): Result;
* Perform bitwise operations between strings
* - _group_: bitmap
* - _complexity_: O(N)
* - _since_: 2.6.0
bitop(...args: [
operation: string | Buffer,
destkey: RedisKey,
...keys: RedisKey[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
bitop(...args: [
operation: string | Buffer,
destkey: RedisKey,
keys: RedisKey[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
bitop(...args: [
operation: string | Buffer,
destkey: RedisKey,
...keys: RedisKey[]
]): Result;
bitop(...args: [operation: string | Buffer, destkey: RedisKey, keys: RedisKey[]]): Result;
* Find first bit set or clear in a string
* - _group_: bitmap
* - _complexity_: O(N)
* - _since_: 2.8.7
bitpos(key: RedisKey, bit: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
bitpos(key: RedisKey, bit: number | string, start: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
bitpos(key: RedisKey, bit: number | string, start: number | string, end: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
bitpos(key: RedisKey, bit: number | string, start: number | string, end: number | string, byte: "BYTE", callback?: Callback): Result;
bitpos(key: RedisKey, bit: number | string, start: number | string, end: number | string, bit1: "BIT", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Pop an element from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available
* - _group_: list
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 6.2.0
blmove(source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, left: "LEFT", left1: "LEFT", timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
blmoveBuffer(source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, left: "LEFT", left1: "LEFT", timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
blmove(source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, left: "LEFT", right: "RIGHT", timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
blmoveBuffer(source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, left: "LEFT", right: "RIGHT", timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
blmove(source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, right: "RIGHT", left: "LEFT", timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
blmoveBuffer(source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, right: "RIGHT", left: "LEFT", timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
blmove(source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, right: "RIGHT", right1: "RIGHT", timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
blmoveBuffer(source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, right: "RIGHT", right1: "RIGHT", timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
* Pop elements from a list, or block until one is available
* - _group_: list
* - _complexity_: O(N+M) where N is the number of provided keys and M is the number of elements returned.
* - _since_: 7.0.0
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT",
callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT",
callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT",
callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT",
callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT"
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT"
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT"
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT"
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
left: "LEFT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT",
callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT",
callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT",
callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT",
callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT"
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT"
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT"
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT"
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: string, members: string[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null>
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
blmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string
]): Result<[key: string, members: string[]] | null, Context>;
blmpopBuffer(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
right: "RIGHT",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string
]): Result<[key: Buffer, members: Buffer[]] | null, Context>;
* Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is available
* - _group_: list
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of provided keys.
* - _since_: 2.0.0
blpop(...args: [
...keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[string, string] | null>
]): Result<[string, string] | null, Context>;
blpopBuffer(...args: [
...keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[Buffer, Buffer] | null>
]): Result<[Buffer, Buffer] | null, Context>;
blpop(...args: [
keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[string, string] | null>
]): Result<[string, string] | null, Context>;
blpopBuffer(...args: [
keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[Buffer, Buffer] | null>
]): Result<[Buffer, Buffer] | null, Context>;
blpop(...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[string, string] | null, Context>;
blpopBuffer(...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[Buffer, Buffer] | null, Context>;
blpop(...args: [keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[string, string] | null, Context>;
blpopBuffer(...args: [keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[Buffer, Buffer] | null, Context>;
* Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is available
* - _group_: list
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of provided keys.
* - _since_: 2.0.0
brpop(...args: [
...keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[string, string] | null>
]): Result<[string, string] | null, Context>;
brpopBuffer(...args: [
...keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[Buffer, Buffer] | null>
]): Result<[Buffer, Buffer] | null, Context>;
brpop(...args: [
keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[string, string] | null>
]): Result<[string, string] | null, Context>;
brpopBuffer(...args: [
keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[Buffer, Buffer] | null>
]): Result<[Buffer, Buffer] | null, Context>;
brpop(...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[string, string] | null, Context>;
brpopBuffer(...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[Buffer, Buffer] | null, Context>;
brpop(...args: [keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[string, string] | null, Context>;
brpopBuffer(...args: [keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[Buffer, Buffer] | null, Context>;
* Pop an element from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available
* - _group_: list
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 2.2.0
brpoplpush(source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
brpoplpushBuffer(source: RedisKey, destination: RedisKey, timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
* Remove and return members with scores in a sorted set or block until one is available
* - _group_: sorted-set
* - _complexity_: O(K) + O(N*log(M)) where K is the number of provided keys, N being the number of elements in the sorted set, and M being the number of elements popped.
* - _since_: 7.0.0
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
min: "MIN",
callback: Callback
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
min: "MIN",
callback: Callback
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
min: "MIN"
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
min: "MIN"
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
min: "MIN",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string,
callback: Callback
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
min: "MIN",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string,
callback: Callback
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
min: "MIN",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
min: "MIN",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
max: "MAX",
callback: Callback
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
max: "MAX",
callback: Callback
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
max: "MAX"
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
max: "MAX"
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
max: "MAX",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string,
callback: Callback
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
max: "MAX",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string,
callback: Callback
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
...keys: RedisKey[],
max: "MAX",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string
]): Result;
bzmpop(...args: [
timeout: number | string,
numkeys: number | string,
keys: RedisKey[],
max: "MAX",
countToken: "COUNT",
count: number | string
]): Result;
* Remove and return the member with the highest score from one or more sorted sets, or block until one is available
* - _group_: sorted-set
* - _complexity_: O(log(N)) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set.
* - _since_: 5.0.0
bzpopmax(...args: [
...keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null>
]): Result<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null, Context>;
bzpopmaxBuffer(...args: [
...keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null>
]): Result<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null, Context>;
bzpopmax(...args: [
keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null>
]): Result<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null, Context>;
bzpopmaxBuffer(...args: [
keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null>
]): Result<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null, Context>;
bzpopmax(...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null, Context>;
bzpopmaxBuffer(...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null, Context>;
bzpopmax(...args: [keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null, Context>;
bzpopmaxBuffer(...args: [keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null, Context>;
* Remove and return the member with the lowest score from one or more sorted sets, or block until one is available
* - _group_: sorted-set
* - _complexity_: O(log(N)) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set.
* - _since_: 5.0.0
bzpopmin(...args: [
...keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null>
]): Result<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null, Context>;
bzpopminBuffer(...args: [
...keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null>
]): Result<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null, Context>;
bzpopmin(...args: [
keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null>
]): Result<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null, Context>;
bzpopminBuffer(...args: [
keys: RedisKey[],
timeout: number | string,
callback: Callback<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null>
]): Result<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null, Context>;
bzpopmin(...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null, Context>;
bzpopminBuffer(...args: [...keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null, Context>;
bzpopmin(...args: [keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[key: string, member: string, score: string] | null, Context>;
bzpopminBuffer(...args: [keys: RedisKey[], timeout: number | string]): Result<[key: Buffer, member: Buffer, score: Buffer] | null, Context>;
* Instruct the server about tracking or not keys in the next request
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 6.0.0
client(subcommand: "CACHING", yes: "YES", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
client(subcommand: "CACHING", no: "NO", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Get the current connection name
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 2.6.9
client(subcommand: "GETNAME", callback?: Callback): Result;
clientBuffer(subcommand: "GETNAME", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Get tracking notifications redirection client ID if any
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 6.0.0
client(subcommand: "GETREDIR", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Show helpful text about the different subcommands
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 5.0.0
client(subcommand: "HELP", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Returns the client ID for the current connection
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 5.0.0
client(subcommand: "ID", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Returns information about the current client connection.
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 6.2.0
client(subcommand: "INFO", callback?: Callback): Result;
clientBuffer(subcommand: "INFO", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Kill the connection of a client
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of client connections
* - _since_: 2.4.0
client(...args: [
subcommand: "KILL",
...args: RedisValue[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
client(...args: [subcommand: "KILL", ...args: RedisValue[]]): Result;
* Get the list of client connections
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of client connections
* - _since_: 2.4.0
client(subcommand: "LIST", callback?: Callback): Result;
client(...args: [
subcommand: "LIST",
idToken: "ID",
...clientIds: (number | string)[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
client(...args: [
subcommand: "LIST",
idToken: "ID",
...clientIds: (number | string)[]
]): Result;
client(subcommand: "LIST", type: "TYPE", normal: "NORMAL", callback?: Callback): Result;
client(...args: [
subcommand: "LIST",
type: "TYPE",
normal: "NORMAL",
idToken: "ID",
...clientIds: (number | string)[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
client(...args: [
subcommand: "LIST",
type: "TYPE",
normal: "NORMAL",
idToken: "ID",
...clientIds: (number | string)[]
]): Result;
client(subcommand: "LIST", type: "TYPE", master: "MASTER", callback?: Callback): Result;
client(...args: [
subcommand: "LIST",
type: "TYPE",
master: "MASTER",
idToken: "ID",
...clientIds: (number | string)[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
client(...args: [
subcommand: "LIST",
type: "TYPE",
master: "MASTER",
idToken: "ID",
...clientIds: (number | string)[]
]): Result;
client(subcommand: "LIST", type: "TYPE", replica: "REPLICA", callback?: Callback): Result;
client(...args: [
subcommand: "LIST",
type: "TYPE",
replica: "REPLICA",
idToken: "ID",
...clientIds: (number | string)[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
client(...args: [
subcommand: "LIST",
type: "TYPE",
replica: "REPLICA",
idToken: "ID",
...clientIds: (number | string)[]
]): Result;
client(subcommand: "LIST", type: "TYPE", pubsub: "PUBSUB", callback?: Callback): Result;
client(...args: [
subcommand: "LIST",
type: "TYPE",
pubsub: "PUBSUB",
idToken: "ID",
...clientIds: (number | string)[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
client(...args: [
subcommand: "LIST",
type: "TYPE",
pubsub: "PUBSUB",
idToken: "ID",
...clientIds: (number | string)[]
]): Result;
* Set client eviction mode for the current connection
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 7.0.0
client(subcommand: "NO-EVICT", on: "ON", callback?: Callback): Result;
client(subcommand: "NO-EVICT", off: "OFF", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Stop processing commands from clients for some time
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 2.9.50
client(subcommand: "PAUSE", timeout: number | string, callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
client(subcommand: "PAUSE", timeout: number | string, write: "WRITE", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
client(subcommand: "PAUSE", timeout: number | string, all: "ALL", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Instruct the server whether to reply to commands
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.2.0
client(subcommand: "REPLY", on: "ON", callback?: Callback): Result;
client(subcommand: "REPLY", off: "OFF", callback?: Callback): Result;
client(subcommand: "REPLY", skip: "SKIP", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Set the current connection name
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 2.6.9
client(subcommand: "SETNAME", connectionName: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Enable or disable server assisted client side caching support
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(1). Some options may introduce additional complexity.
* - _since_: 6.0.0
client(...args: [
subcommand: "TRACKING",
...args: RedisValue[],
callback: Callback
]): Result;
client(...args: [subcommand: "TRACKING", ...args: RedisValue[]]): Result;
* Return information about server assisted client side caching for the current connection
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 6.2.0
client(subcommand: "TRACKINGINFO", callback?: Callback): Result;
clientBuffer(subcommand: "TRACKINGINFO", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Unblock a client blocked in a blocking command from a different connection
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(log N) where N is the number of client connections
* - _since_: 5.0.0
client(subcommand: "UNBLOCK", clientId: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
client(subcommand: "UNBLOCK", clientId: number | string, timeout: "TIMEOUT", callback?: Callback): Result;
client(subcommand: "UNBLOCK", clientId: number | string, error: "ERROR", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Resume processing of clients that were paused
* - _group_: connection
* - _complexity_: O(N) Where N is the number of paused clients
* - _since_: 6.2.0
client(subcommand: "UNPAUSE", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Assign new hash slots to receiving node
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of hash slot arguments
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(...args: [
subcommand: "ADDSLOTS",
...slots: (number | string)[],
callback: Callback<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [
host: string,
port: number,
nodeId: string,
info: unknown[]
]): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
cluster(...args: [
subcommand: "ADDSLOTS",
slots: (number | string)[],
callback: Callback<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [
host: string,
port: number,
nodeId: string,
info: unknown[]
]): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
cluster(...args: [subcommand: "ADDSLOTS", ...slots: (number | string)[]]): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
cluster(...args: [subcommand: "ADDSLOTS", slots: (number | string)[]]): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
* Assign new hash slots to receiving node
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of the slots between the start slot and end slot arguments.
* - _since_: 7.0.0
cluster(...args: [
subcommand: "ADDSLOTSRANGE",
...startSlotEndSlots: (string | number)[],
callback: Callback<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [
host: string,
port: number,
nodeId: string,
info: unknown[]
]): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
cluster(...args: [
subcommand: "ADDSLOTSRANGE",
...startSlotEndSlots: (string | number)[]
]): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
* Advance the cluster config epoch
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "BUMPEPOCH", callback?: Callback<"BUMPED" | "STILL">): Result<"BUMPED" | "STILL", Context>;
* Return the number of failure reports active for a given node
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of failure reports
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "COUNT-FAILURE-REPORTS", nodeId: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback): Result;
* Return the number of local keys in the specified hash slot
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "COUNTKEYSINSLOT", slot: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
* Set hash slots as unbound in receiving node
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of hash slot arguments
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(...args: [
subcommand: "DELSLOTS",
...slots: (number | string)[],
callback: Callback<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [
host: string,
port: number,
nodeId: string,
info: unknown[]
]): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
cluster(...args: [
subcommand: "DELSLOTS",
slots: (number | string)[],
callback: Callback<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [
host: string,
port: number,
nodeId: string,
info: unknown[]
]): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
cluster(...args: [subcommand: "DELSLOTS", ...slots: (number | string)[]]): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
cluster(...args: [subcommand: "DELSLOTS", slots: (number | string)[]]): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
* Set hash slots as unbound in receiving node
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of the slots between the start slot and end slot arguments.
* - _since_: 7.0.0
cluster(...args: [
subcommand: "DELSLOTSRANGE",
...startSlotEndSlots: (string | number)[],
callback: Callback<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [
host: string,
port: number,
nodeId: string,
info: unknown[]
]): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
cluster(...args: [
subcommand: "DELSLOTSRANGE",
...startSlotEndSlots: (string | number)[]
]): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
* Forces a replica to perform a manual failover of its master.
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "FAILOVER", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
cluster(subcommand: "FAILOVER", force: "FORCE", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
cluster(subcommand: "FAILOVER", takeover: "TAKEOVER", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Delete a node's own slots information
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "FLUSHSLOTS", callback?: Callback<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [
host: string,
port: number,
nodeId: string,
info: unknown[]
][]>): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
* Remove a node from the nodes table
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "FORGET", nodeId: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Return local key names in the specified hash slot
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(log(N)) where N is the number of requested keys
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "GETKEYSINSLOT", slot: number | string, count: number | string, callback?: Callback): Result;
* Show helpful text about the different subcommands
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 5.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "HELP", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Provides info about Redis Cluster node state
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "INFO", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Returns the hash slot of the specified key
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of bytes in the key
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "KEYSLOT", key: string | Buffer, callback?: Callback): Result;
* Returns a list of all TCP links to and from peer nodes in cluster
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of Cluster nodes
* - _since_: 7.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "LINKS", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Force a node cluster to handshake with another node
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "MEET", ip: string | Buffer, port: number | string, callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Return the node id
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "MYID", callback?: Callback): Result;
* Get Cluster config for the node
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of Cluster nodes
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "NODES", callback?: Callback): Result;
* List replica nodes of the specified master node
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 5.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "REPLICAS", nodeId: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback): Result;
* Reconfigure a node as a replica of the specified master node
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "REPLICATE", nodeId: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Reset a Redis Cluster node
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the number of known nodes. The command may execute a FLUSHALL as a side effect.
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "RESET", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
cluster(subcommand: "RESET", hard: "HARD", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
cluster(subcommand: "RESET", soft: "SOFT", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Forces the node to save cluster state on disk
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "SAVECONFIG", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Set the configuration epoch in a new node
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "SET-CONFIG-EPOCH", configEpoch: number | string, callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Bind a hash slot to a specific node
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "SETSLOT", slot: number | string, nodeIdToken: "IMPORTING", nodeId: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
cluster(subcommand: "SETSLOT", slot: number | string, nodeIdToken: "MIGRATING", nodeId: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
cluster(subcommand: "SETSLOT", slot: number | string, nodeIdToken: "NODE", nodeId: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
cluster(subcommand: "SETSLOT", slot: number | string, stable: "STABLE", callback?: Callback<"OK">): Result<"OK", Context>;
* Get array of cluster slots to node mappings
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of cluster nodes
* - _since_: 7.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "SHARDS", callback?: Callback): Result;
* List replica nodes of the specified master node
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "SLAVES", nodeId: string | Buffer | number, callback?: Callback): Result;
* Get array of Cluster slot to node mappings
* - _group_: cluster
* - _complexity_: O(N) where N is the total number of Cluster nodes
* - _since_: 3.0.0
cluster(subcommand: "SLOTS", callback?: Callback<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [
host: string,
port: number,
nodeId: string,
info: unknown[]
][]>): Result<[
startSlotRange: number,
endSlotRange: number,
...nodes: [host: string, port: number, nodeId: string, info: unknown[]][]
][], Context>;
* Get total number of Redis commands
* - _group_: server
* - _complexity_: O(1)
* - _since_: 2.8.13
command(subcommand: "COUNT", callback?: Callback): Result