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// Type definitions for bull 3.15
// Project:
// Definitions by: Bruno Grieder <>
// Cameron Crothers <>
// Marshall Cottrell <>
// Weeco <>
// Oleg Repin <>
// David Koblas <>
// Bond Akinmade <>
// Wuha Team <>
// Alec Brunelle <>
// Dan Manastireanu <>
// Kjell-Morten Bratsberg Thorsen <>
// Christian D. <>
// Silas Rech <>
// DoYoung Ha <>
// Borys Kupar <>
// Remko Klein <>
// Levi Bostian <>
// Todd Dukart <>
// Mix <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.8
import * as Redis from 'ioredis';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
* This is the Queue constructor.
* It creates a new Queue that is persisted in Redis.
* Everytime the same queue is instantiated it tries to process all the old jobs that may exist from a previous unfinished session.
declare const Bull: {
/* tslint:disable:no-unnecessary-generics unified-signatures */
<T = any>(queueName: string, opts?: Bull.QueueOptions): Bull.Queue<T>;
<T = any>(
queueName: string,
url: string,
opts?: Bull.QueueOptions
): Bull.Queue<T>;
new <T = any>(queueName: string, opts?: Bull.QueueOptions): Bull.Queue<T>;
new <T = any>(
queueName: string,
url: string,
opts?: Bull.QueueOptions
): Bull.Queue<T>;
/* tslint:enable:no-unnecessary-generics unified-signatures */
declare namespace Bull {
interface RateLimiter {
/** Max numbers of jobs processed */
max: number;
/** Per duration in milliseconds */
duration: number;
/** When jobs get rate limited, they stay in the waiting queue and are not moved to the delayed queue */
bounceBack?: boolean | undefined;
/** Groups jobs with the specified key from the data object passed to the Queue#add ex. "network.handle" */
groupKey?: string | undefined;
interface QueueOptions {
* Options passed into the `ioredis` constructor's `options` parameter.
* `connectionName` is overwritten with `Queue.clientName()`. other properties are copied
redis?: Redis.RedisOptions | string | undefined;
* When specified, the `Queue` will use this function to create new `ioredis` client connections.
* This is useful if you want to re-use connections or connect to a Redis cluster.
type: 'client' | 'subscriber' | 'bclient',
redisOpts?: Redis.RedisOptions
): Redis.Redis | Redis.Cluster;
* Prefix to use for all redis keys
prefix?: string | undefined;
settings?: AdvancedSettings | undefined;
limiter?: RateLimiter | undefined;
defaultJobOptions?: JobOptions | undefined;
metrics?: MetricsOpts; // Configure metrics
interface MetricsOpts {
maxDataPoints?: number; // Max number of data points to collect, granularity is fixed at one minute.
interface AdvancedSettings {
* Key expiration time for job locks
lockDuration?: number | undefined;
* Interval in milliseconds on which to acquire the job lock.
lockRenewTime?: number | undefined;
* How often check for stalled jobs (use 0 for never checking)
stalledInterval?: number | undefined;
* Max amount of times a stalled job will be re-processed
maxStalledCount?: number | undefined;
* Poll interval for delayed jobs and added jobs
guardInterval?: number | undefined;
* Delay before processing next job in case of internal error
retryProcessDelay?: number | undefined;
* Define a custom backoff strategy
| {
[key: string]: (
attemptsMade: number,
err: Error,
strategyOptions?: any
) => number;
| undefined;
* A timeout for when the queue is in `drained` state (empty waiting for jobs).
* It is used when calling `queue.getNextJob()`, which will pass it to `.brpoplpush` on the Redis client.
drainDelay?: number | undefined;
type DoneCallback = (error?: Error | null, value?: any) => void;
type JobId = number | string;
type ProcessCallbackFunction<T> = (job: Job<T>, done: DoneCallback) => void;
type ProcessPromiseFunction<T> = (job: Job<T>) => Promise<void>;
interface Job<T = any> {
id: JobId;
* The custom data passed when the job was created
data: T;
* Options of the job
opts: JobOptions;
* How many attempts where made to run this job
attemptsMade: number;
* When this job was started (unix milliseconds)
processedOn?: number | undefined;
* When this job was completed (unix milliseconds)
finishedOn?: number | undefined;
* Which queue this job was part of
queue: Queue<T>;
timestamp: number;
* The named processor name
name: string;
* The stacktrace for any errors
stacktrace: string[];
returnvalue: any;
failedReason?: string | undefined;
* Get progress on a job
progress(): any;
* Report progress on a job
progress(value: any): Promise<void>;
* Logs one row of log data.
* @param row String with log data to be logged.
log(row: string): Promise<any>;
* Returns a promise resolving to a boolean which, if true, current job's state is completed
isCompleted(): Promise<boolean>;
* Returns a promise resolving to a boolean which, if true, current job's state is failed
isFailed(): Promise<boolean>;
* Returns a promise resolving to a boolean which, if true, current job's state is delayed
isDelayed(): Promise<boolean>;
* Returns a promise resolving to a boolean which, if true, current job's state is active
isActive(): Promise<boolean>;
* Returns a promise resolving to a boolean which, if true, current job's state is wait
isWaiting(): Promise<boolean>;
* Returns a promise resolving to a boolean which, if true, current job's state is paused
isPaused(): Promise<boolean>;
* Returns a promise resolving to a boolean which, if true, current job's state is stuck
isStuck(): Promise<boolean>;
* Returns a promise resolving to the current job's status.
* Please take note that the implementation of this method is not very efficient, nor is
* it atomic. If your queue does have a very large quantity of jobs, you may want to
* avoid using this method.
getState(): Promise<JobStatus | 'stuck'>;
* Update a specific job's data. Promise resolves when the job has been updated.
update(data: T): Promise<void>;
* Removes a job from the queue and from any lists it may be included in.
* The returned promise resolves when the job has been removed.
remove(): Promise<void>;
* Re-run a job that has failed. The returned promise resolves when the job
* has been scheduled for retry.
retry(): Promise<void>;
* Ensure this job is never ran again even if attemptsMade is less than job.attempts.
discard(): Promise<void>;
* Returns a promise that resolves to the returned data when the job has been finished.
* TODO: Add a watchdog to check if the job has finished periodically.
* since pubsub does not give any guarantees.
finished(): Promise<any>;
* Moves a job to the `completed` queue. Pulls a job from 'waiting' to 'active'
* and returns a tuple containing the next jobs data and id. If no job is in the `waiting` queue, returns null.
returnValue?: string,
ignoreLock?: boolean,
notFetch?: boolean
): Promise<[any, JobId] | null>;
* Moves a job to the `failed` queue. Pulls a job from 'waiting' to 'active'
* and returns a tuple containing the next jobs data and id. If no job is in the `waiting` queue, returns null.
errorInfo: { message: string },
ignoreLock?: boolean
): Promise<[any, JobId] | null>;
* Promotes a job that is currently "delayed" to the "waiting" state and executed as soon as possible.
promote(): Promise<void>;
* Return a unique key representing a lock for this Job
lockKey(): string;
* Releases the lock on the job. Only locks owned by the queue instance can be released.
releaseLock(): Promise<void>;
* Takes a lock for this job so that no other queue worker can process it at the same time.
takeLock(): Promise<number | false>;
* Extend the lock for this job.
* @param duration lock duration in milliseconds
extendLock(duration: number): Promise<number>
* Get job properties as Json Object
toJSON(): {
id: JobId;
name: string;
data: T;
opts: JobOptions;
progress: number;
delay: number;
timestamp: number;
attemptsMade: number;
failedReason: any;
stacktrace: string[] | null;
returnvalue: any;
finishedOn: number | null;
processedOn: number | null;
type JobStatus =
| 'completed'
| 'waiting'
| 'active'
| 'delayed'
| 'failed'
| 'paused';
type JobStatusClean =
| 'completed'
| 'wait'
| 'active'
| 'delayed'
| 'failed'
| 'paused';
interface BackoffOptions {
* Backoff type, which can be either `fixed` or `exponential`
type: string;
* Backoff delay, in milliseconds
delay?: number | undefined;
* Options for custom strategies
options?: any;
interface RepeatOptions {
* Timezone
tz?: string | undefined;
* End date when the repeat job should stop repeating
endDate?: Date | string | number | undefined;
* Number of times the job should repeat at max.
limit?: number | undefined;
* The start value for the repeat iteration count.
count?: number | undefined;
interface CronRepeatOptions extends RepeatOptions {
* Cron pattern specifying when the job should execute
cron: string;
* Start date when the repeat job should start repeating (only with cron).
startDate?: Date | string | number | undefined;
interface EveryRepeatOptions extends RepeatOptions {
* Repeat every millis (cron setting cannot be used together with this setting.)
every: number;
interface JobOptions {
* Optional priority value. ranges from 1 (highest priority) to MAX_INT (lowest priority).
* Note that using priorities has a slight impact on performance, so do not use it if not required
priority?: number | undefined;
* An amount of miliseconds to wait until this job can be processed.
* Note that for accurate delays, both server and clients should have their clocks synchronized. [optional]
delay?: number | undefined;
* The total number of attempts to try the job until it completes
attempts?: number | undefined;
* Repeat job according to a cron specification
| ((CronRepeatOptions | EveryRepeatOptions) & {
* The key for the repeatable job metadata in Redis.
readonly key?: string;
| undefined;
* Backoff setting for automatic retries if the job fails
backoff?: number | BackoffOptions | undefined;
* A boolean which, if true, adds the job to the right
* of the queue instead of the left (default false)
lifo?: boolean | undefined;
* The number of milliseconds after which the job should be fail with a timeout error
timeout?: number | undefined;
* Override the job ID - by default, the job ID is a unique
* integer, but you can use this setting to override it.
* If you use this option, it is up to you to ensure the
* jobId is unique. If you attempt to add a job with an id that
* already exists, it will not be added.
jobId?: JobId | undefined;
* A boolean which, if true, removes the job when it successfully completes.
* When a number, it specifies the amount of jobs to keep.
* Default behavior is to keep the job in the completed set.
* See KeepJobsOptions if using that interface instead.
removeOnComplete?: boolean | number | KeepJobsOptions | undefined;
* A boolean which, if true, removes the job when it fails after all attempts.
* When a number, it specifies the amount of jobs to keep.
* Default behavior is to keep the job in the failed set.
* See KeepJobsOptions if using that interface instead.
removeOnFail?: boolean | number | KeepJobsOptions | undefined;
* Limits the amount of stack trace lines that will be recorded in the stacktrace.
stackTraceLimit?: number | undefined;
* Prevents JSON data from being parsed.
preventParsingData?: boolean | undefined;
* Specify which jobs to keep after finishing processing this job.
* If both age and count are specified, then the jobs kept will be the ones that satisfies both properties.
interface KeepJobsOptions {
* Maximum age in *seconds* for job to be kept.
age?: number | undefined;
* Maximum count of jobs to be kept.
count?: number | undefined;
interface JobCounts {
active: number;
completed: number;
failed: number;
delayed: number;
waiting: number;
interface JobInformation {
key: string;
name: string;
id?: string | undefined;
endDate?: number | undefined;
tz?: string | undefined;
cron: string;
every: number;
next: number;
interface Queue<T = any> extends EventEmitter {
* The name of the queue
name: string;
* Queue client (used to add jobs, pause queues, etc);
client: Redis.Redis;
* Returns a promise that resolves when Redis is connected and the queue is ready to accept jobs.
* This replaces the `ready` event emitted on Queue in previous verisons.
isReady(): Promise<this>;
/* tslint:disable:unified-signatures */
* Defines a processing function for the jobs placed into a given Queue.
* The callback is called everytime a job is placed in the queue.
* It is passed an instance of the job as first argument.
* If the callback signature contains the second optional done argument,
* the callback will be passed a done callback to be called after the job has been completed.
* The done callback can be called with an Error instance, to signal that the job did not complete successfully,
* or with a result as second argument (e.g.: done(null, result);) when the job is successful.
* Errors will be passed as a second argument to the "failed" event; results, as a second argument to the "completed" event.
* If, however, the callback signature does not contain the done argument,
* a promise must be returned to signal job completion.
* If the promise is rejected, the error will be passed as a second argument to the "failed" event.
* If it is resolved, its value will be the "completed" event's second argument.
process(callback: ProcessCallbackFunction<T>): Promise<void>;
process(callback: ProcessPromiseFunction<T>): Promise<void>;
process(callback: string): Promise<void>;
* Defines a processing function for the jobs placed into a given Queue.
* The callback is called everytime a job is placed in the queue.
* It is passed an instance of the job as first argument.
* If the callback signature contains the second optional done argument,
* the callback will be passed a done callback to be called after the job has been completed.
* The done callback can be called with an Error instance, to signal that the job did not complete successfully,
* or with a result as second argument (e.g.: done(null, result);) when the job is successful.
* Errors will be passed as a second argument to the "failed" event; results, as a second argument to the "completed" event.
* If, however, the callback signature does not contain the done argument,
* a promise must be returned to signal job completion.
* If the promise is rejected, the error will be passed as a second argument to the "failed" event.
* If it is resolved, its value will be the "completed" event's second argument.
* @param concurrency Bull will then call your handler in parallel respecting this maximum value.
concurrency: number,
callback: ProcessCallbackFunction<T>
): Promise<void>;
concurrency: number,
callback: ProcessPromiseFunction<T>
): Promise<void>;
process(concurrency: number, callback: string): Promise<void>;
* Defines a processing function for the jobs placed into a given Queue.
* The callback is called everytime a job is placed in the queue.
* It is passed an instance of the job as first argument.
* If the callback signature contains the second optional done argument,
* the callback will be passed a done callback to be called after the job has been completed.
* The done callback can be called with an Error instance, to signal that the job did not complete successfully,
* or with a result as second argument (e.g.: done(null, result);) when the job is successful.
* Errors will be passed as a second argument to the "failed" event; results, as a second argument to the "completed" event.
* If, however, the callback signature does not contain the done argument,
* a promise must be returned to signal job completion.
* If the promise is rejected, the error will be passed as a second argument to the "failed" event.
* If it is resolved, its value will be the "completed" event's second argument.
* @param name Bull will only call the handler if the job name matches
process(name: string, callback: ProcessCallbackFunction<T>): Promise<void>;
process(name: string, callback: ProcessPromiseFunction<T>): Promise<void>;
process(name: string, callback: string): Promise<void>;
* Defines a processing function for the jobs placed into a given Queue.
* The callback is called everytime a job is placed in the queue.
* It is passed an instance of the job as first argument.
* If the callback signature contains the second optional done argument,
* the callback will be passed a done callback to be called after the job has been completed.
* The done callback can be called with an Error instance, to signal that the job did not complete successfully,
* or with a result as second argument (e.g.: done(null, result);) when the job is successful.
* Errors will be passed as a second argument to the "failed" event; results, as a second argument to the "completed" event.
* If, however, the callback signature does not contain the done argument,
* a promise must be returned to signal job completion.
* If the promise is rejected, the error will be passed as a second argument to the "failed" event.
* If it is resolved, its value will be the "completed" event's second argument.
* @param name Bull will only call the handler if the job name matches
* @param concurrency Bull will then call your handler in parallel respecting this maximum value.
name: string,
concurrency: number,
callback: ProcessCallbackFunction<T>
): Promise<void>;
name: string,
concurrency: number,
callback: ProcessPromiseFunction<T>
): Promise<void>;
process(name: string, concurrency: number, callback: string): Promise<void>;
/* tslint:enable:unified-signatures */
* Creates a new job and adds it to the queue.
* If the queue is empty the job will be executed directly,
* otherwise it will be placed in the queue and executed as soon as possible.
add(data: T, opts?: JobOptions): Promise<Job<T>>;
* Creates a new named job and adds it to the queue.
* If the queue is empty the job will be executed directly,
* otherwise it will be placed in the queue and executed as soon as possible.
add(name: string, data: T, opts?: JobOptions): Promise<Job<T>>;
* Adds an array of jobs to the queue.
* If the queue is empty the jobs will be executed directly,
* otherwise they will be placed in the queue and executed as soon as possible.
* 'repeat' option is not supported in addBulk
jobs: Array<{
name?: string | undefined;
data: T;
opts?: Omit<JobOptions, 'repeat'> | undefined;
): Promise<Array<Job<T>>>;
* Returns a promise that resolves when the queue is paused.
* A paused queue will not process new jobs until resumed, but current jobs being processed will continue until
* they are finalized. The pause can be either global or local. If global, all workers in all queue instances
* for a given queue will be paused. If local, just this worker will stop processing new jobs after the current
* lock expires. This can be useful to stop a worker from taking new jobs prior to shutting down.
* If doNotWaitActive is true, pause will not wait for any active jobs to finish before resolving. Otherwise, pause
* will wait for active jobs to finish. See Queue#whenCurrentJobsFinished for more information.
* Pausing a queue that is already paused does nothing.
pause(isLocal?: boolean, doNotWaitActive?: boolean): Promise<void>;
* Returns a promise that resolves when the queue is resumed after being paused.
* The resume can be either local or global. If global, all workers in all queue instances for a given queue
* will be resumed. If local, only this worker will be resumed. Note that resuming a queue globally will not
* resume workers that have been paused locally; for those, resume(true) must be called directly on their
* instances.
* Resuming a queue that is not paused does nothing.
resume(isLocal?: boolean): Promise<void>;
* Returns a promise that resolves with a boolean if queue is paused
isPaused(isLocal?: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
* Returns a promise that returns the number of jobs in the queue, waiting or paused.
* Since there may be other processes adding or processing jobs, this value may be true only for a very small amount of time.
count(): Promise<number>;
* Empties a queue deleting all the input lists and associated jobs.
empty(): Promise<void>;
* Closes the underlying redis client. Use this to perform a graceful shutdown.
* `close` can be called from anywhere, with one caveat:
* if called from within a job handler the queue won't close until after the job has been processed
close(doNotWaitJobs?: boolean): Promise<void>;
* Returns the number of jobs per priority.
getCountsPerPriority(priorities: number[]): Promise<{
[index: string]: number;
* Returns a promise that will return the job instance associated with the jobId parameter.
* If the specified job cannot be located, the promise callback parameter will be set to null.
getJob(jobId: JobId): Promise<Job<T> | null>;
* Returns a promise that will return an array with the waiting jobs between start and end.
getWaiting(start?: number, end?: number): Promise<Array<Job<T>>>;
* Returns a promise that will return an array with the active jobs between start and end.
getActive(start?: number, end?: number): Promise<Array<Job<T>>>;
* Returns a promise that will return an array with the delayed jobs between start and end.
getDelayed(start?: number, end?: number): Promise<Array<Job<T>>>;
* Returns a promise that will return an array with the completed jobs between start and end.
getCompleted(start?: number, end?: number): Promise<Array<Job<T>>>;
* Returns a promise that will return an array with the failed jobs between start and end.
getFailed(start?: number, end?: number): Promise<Array<Job<T>>>;
* Returns JobInformation of repeatable jobs (ordered descending). Provide a start and/or an end
* index to limit the number of results. Start defaults to 0, end to -1 and asc to false.
start?: number,
end?: number,
asc?: boolean
): Promise<JobInformation[]>;
* ???
name: string,
data: any,
opts: JobOptions
): Promise<Job<T>>;
* Removes a given repeatable job. The RepeatOptions and JobId needs to be the same as the ones
* used for the job when it was added.
repeat: (CronRepeatOptions | EveryRepeatOptions) & {
jobId?: JobId | undefined;
): Promise<void>;
* Removes a given repeatable job. The RepeatOptions and JobId needs to be the same as the ones
* used for the job when it was added.
* name: The name of the to be removed job
name: string,
repeat: (CronRepeatOptions | EveryRepeatOptions) & {
jobId?: JobId | undefined;
): Promise<void>;
* Removes a given repeatable job by key.
removeRepeatableByKey(key: string): Promise<void>;
* Returns a promise that will return an array of job instances of the given job statuses.
* Optional parameters for range and ordering are provided.
types: JobStatus[],
start?: number,
end?: number,
asc?: boolean
): Promise<Array<Job<T>>>;
* Returns a promise that resolves to a Metrics object.
getMetrics(type: 'completed' | 'failed', start?: number, end?: number): Promise<{
meta: {
count: number;
prevTS: number;
prevCount: number;
data: number[];
count: number;
* Returns a promise that resolves to the next job in queue.
getNextJob(): Promise<Job<T> | undefined>;
* Returns a object with the logs according to the start and end arguments. The returned count
* value is the total amount of logs, useful for implementing pagination.
jobId: JobId,
start?: number,
end?: number
): Promise<{ logs: string[]; count: number }>;
* Returns a promise that resolves with the job counts for the given queue.
getJobCounts(): Promise<JobCounts>;
* Returns a promise that resolves with the job counts for the given queue of the given job statuses.
getJobCountByTypes(types: JobStatus[] | JobStatus): Promise<number>;
* Returns a promise that resolves with the quantity of completed jobs.
getCompletedCount(): Promise<number>;
* Returns a promise that resolves with the quantity of failed jobs.
getFailedCount(): Promise<number>;
* Returns a promise that resolves with the quantity of delayed jobs.
getDelayedCount(): Promise<number>;
* Returns a promise that resolves with the quantity of waiting jobs.
getWaitingCount(): Promise<number>;
* Returns a promise that resolves with the quantity of paused jobs.
getPausedCount(): Promise<number>;
* Returns a promise that resolves with the quantity of active jobs.
getActiveCount(): Promise<number>;
* Returns a promise that resolves to the quantity of repeatable jobs.
getRepeatableCount(): Promise<number>;
* Tells the queue remove all jobs created outside of a grace period in milliseconds.
* You can clean the jobs with the following states: completed, wait (typo for waiting), active, delayed, and failed.
* @param grace Grace period in milliseconds.
* @param status Status of the job to clean. Values are completed, wait, active, delayed, and failed. Defaults to completed.
* @param limit Maximum amount of jobs to clean per call. If not provided will clean all matching jobs.
grace: number,
status?: JobStatusClean,
limit?: number
): Promise<Array<Job<T>>>;
* Returns a promise that resolves to a Metrics object.
* @param type Job metric type either 'completed' or 'failed'
* @param start Start point of the metrics, where 0 is the newest point to be returned.
* @param end End point of the metrics, where -1 is the oldest point to be returned.
* @returns - Returns an object with queue metrics.
type: 'completed' | 'failed',
start?: number,
end?: number
): Promise<{
meta: {
count: number;
prevTS: number;
prevCount: number;
data: number[];
count: number;
* Returns a promise that marks the start of a transaction block.
multi(): Redis.Pipeline;
* Returns the queue specific key.
toKey(queueType: string): string;
* Completely destroys the queue and all of its contents irreversibly.
* @param ops.force Obliterate the queue even if there are active jobs
obliterate(ops?: { force: boolean }): Promise<void>;
* Listens to queue events
on(event: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
* An error occured
on(event: 'error', callback: ErrorEventCallback): this;
* A Job is waiting to be processed as soon as a worker is idling.
on(event: 'waiting', callback: WaitingEventCallback): this;
* A job has started. You can use `jobPromise.cancel()` to abort it
on(event: 'active', callback: ActiveEventCallback<T>): this;
* A job has been marked as stalled.
* This is useful for debugging job workers that crash or pause the event loop.
on(event: 'stalled', callback: StalledEventCallback<T>): this;
* A job's progress was updated
on(event: 'progress', callback: ProgressEventCallback<T>): this;
* A job successfully completed with a `result`
on(event: 'completed', callback: CompletedEventCallback<T>): this;
* A job failed with `err` as the reason
on(event: 'failed', callback: FailedEventCallback<T>): this;
* The queue has been paused
on(event: 'paused', callback: EventCallback): this;
* The queue has been resumed
on(event: 'resumed', callback: EventCallback): this; // tslint:disable-line unified-signatures
* A job successfully removed.
on(event: 'removed', callback: RemovedEventCallback<T>): this;
* Old jobs have been cleaned from the queue.
* `jobs` is an array of jobs that were removed, and `type` is the type of those jobs.
* @see Queue#clean() for details
on(event: 'cleaned', callback: CleanedEventCallback<T>): this;
* Emitted every time the queue has processed all the waiting jobs
* (even if there can be some delayed jobs not yet processed)
on(event: 'drained', callback: EventCallback): this; // tslint:disable-line unified-signatures
* Array of Redis clients the queue uses
clients: Redis.Redis[];
* Set clientName to Redis.client
setWorkerName(): Promise<any>;
* Returns array of workers that are currently working on this queue.
getWorkers(): Promise<{ [index: string]: string }[]>;
* Returns Queue name in base64 encoded format
base64Name(): string;
* Returns Queue name with keyPrefix (default: 'bull')
clientName(): string;
* Returns Redis clients array which belongs to current Queue from string with all redis clients
* @param list String with all redis clients
parseClientList(list: string): { [index: string]: string }[][];
* Returns a promise that resolves when active jobs are finished
whenCurrentJobsFinished(): Promise<void>;
* Removes all the jobs which jobId matches the given pattern. The pattern must follow redis glob-style pattern
* (syntax)[]
removeJobs(pattern: string): Promise<void>;
type EventCallback = () => void;
type ErrorEventCallback = (error: Error) => void;
interface JobPromise {
* Abort this job
cancel(): void;
type ActiveEventCallback<T = any> = (
job: Job<T>,
jobPromise?: JobPromise
) => void;
type StalledEventCallback<T = any> = (job: Job<T>) => void;
type ProgressEventCallback<T = any> = (job: Job<T>, progress: any) => void;
type CompletedEventCallback<T = any> = (job: Job<T>, result: any) => void;
type FailedEventCallback<T = any> = (job: Job<T>, error: Error) => void;
type CleanedEventCallback<T = any> = (
jobs: Array<Job<T>>,
status: JobStatusClean
) => void;
type RemovedEventCallback<T = any> = (job: Job<T>) => void;
type WaitingEventCallback = (jobId: JobId) => void;
export = Bull;