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'use strict';
const content = `--[[
Remove jobs from the specific set.
KEYS[1] set key,
KEYS[2] priority key
KEYS[3] rate limiter key
ARGV[1] prefix key
ARGV[2] maxTimestamp
ARGV[3] limit the number of jobs to be removed. 0 is unlimited
ARGV[4] set name, can be any of 'wait', 'active', 'paused', 'delayed', 'completed', or 'failed'
local setKey = KEYS[1]
local priorityKey = KEYS[2]
local rateLimiterKey = KEYS[3]
local prefixKey = ARGV[1]
local maxTimestamp = ARGV[2]
local limitStr = ARGV[3]
local setName = ARGV[4]
local isList = false
local rcall =
-- Includes
Function to remove debounce key.
local function removeDebounceKey(prefixKey, jobKey)
local debounceId = rcall("HGET", jobKey, "deid")
if debounceId then
local debounceKey = prefixKey .. "de:" .. debounceId
rcall("DEL", debounceKey)
if setName == "wait" or setName == "active" or setName == "paused" then
isList = true
-- We use ZRANGEBYSCORE to make the case where we're deleting a limited number
-- of items in a sorted set only run a single iteration. If we simply used
-- ZRANGE, we may take a long time traversing through jobs that are within the
-- grace period.
local function shouldUseZRangeByScore(isList, limit)
return not isList and limit > 0
local function getJobs(setKey, isList, rangeStart, rangeEnd, maxTimestamp, limit)
if isList then
return rcall("LRANGE", setKey, rangeStart, rangeEnd)
elseif shouldUseZRangeByScore(isList, limit) then
return rcall("ZRANGEBYSCORE", setKey, 0, maxTimestamp, "LIMIT", 0, limit)
return rcall("ZRANGE", setKey, rangeStart, rangeEnd)
local limit = tonumber(limitStr)
local rangeStart = 0
local rangeEnd = -1
-- If we're only deleting _n_ items, avoid retrieving all items
-- for faster performance
-- Start from the tail of the list, since that's where oldest elements
-- are generally added for FIFO lists
if limit > 0 then
rangeStart = -1 - limit + 1
rangeEnd = -1
local jobIds = getJobs(setKey, isList, rangeStart, rangeEnd, maxTimestamp, limit)
local deleted = {}
local deletedCount = 0
local jobTS
-- Run this loop:
-- - Once, if limit is -1 or 0
-- - As many times as needed if limit is positive
while ((limit <= 0 or deletedCount < limit) and next(jobIds, nil) ~= nil) do
local jobIdsLen = #jobIds
for i, jobId in ipairs(jobIds) do
if limit > 0 and deletedCount >= limit then
local jobKey = prefixKey .. jobId
if (rcall("EXISTS", jobKey .. ":lock") == 0) then
-- Find the right timestamp of the job to compare to maxTimestamp:
-- * finishedOn says when the job was completed, but it isn't set unless the job has actually completed
-- * processedOn represents when the job was last attempted, but it doesn't get populated until the job is first tried
-- * timestamp is the original job submission time
-- Fetch all three of these (in that order) and use the first one that is set so that we'll leave jobs that have been active within the grace period:
for _, ts in ipairs(rcall("HMGET", jobKey, "finishedOn", "processedOn", "timestamp")) do
if (ts) then
jobTS = ts
if (not jobTS or jobTS < maxTimestamp) then
if isList then
-- Job ids can't be the empty string. Use the empty string as a
-- deletion marker. The actual deletion will occur at the end of the
-- script.
rcall("LSET", setKey, rangeEnd - jobIdsLen + i, "")
rcall("ZREM", setKey, jobId)
rcall("ZREM", priorityKey, jobId)
if setName ~= "completed" and setName ~= "failed" then
removeDebounceKey(prefixKey, jobKey)
rcall("DEL", jobKey)
rcall("DEL", jobKey .. ":logs")
-- delete keys related to rate limiter
-- NOTE: this code is unncessary for other sets than wait, paused and delayed.
local limiterIndexTable = rateLimiterKey .. ":index"
local limitedSetKey = rcall("HGET", limiterIndexTable, jobId)
if limitedSetKey then
rcall("SREM", limitedSetKey, jobId)
rcall("HDEL", limiterIndexTable, jobId)
deletedCount = deletedCount + 1
table.insert(deleted, jobId)
-- If we didn't have a limit or used the single-iteration ZRANGEBYSCORE
-- function, return immediately. We should have deleted all the jobs we can
if limit <= 0 or shouldUseZRangeByScore(isList, limit) then
if deletedCount < limit then
-- We didn't delete enough. Look for more to delete
rangeStart = rangeStart - limit
rangeEnd = rangeEnd - limit
jobIds = getJobs(setKey, isList, rangeStart, rangeEnd, maxTimestamp, limit)
if isList then
rcall("LREM", setKey, 0, "")
return deleted
module.exports = {
name: 'cleanJobsInSet',
keys: 3,