You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

812 lines
26 KiB

For "any-data":
32-55 - record with record ids (-32)
56 - 8-bit record ids
57 - 16-bit record ids
58 - 24-bit record ids
59 - 32-bit record ids
250-255 - followed by typed fixed width values
64-250 msgpackr/cbor/paired data
arrays and strings within arrays are handled by paired encoding
Structure encoding:
(type - string (using paired encoding))+
Type encoding
encoding byte - fixed width byte - next reference+
Encoding byte:
first bit:
0 - inline
1 - reference
second bit:
0 - data or number
1 - string
remaining bits:
character encoding - ISO-8859-x
null (0xff)+ 0xf6
null (0xff)+ 0xf7
import {setWriteStructSlots, RECORD_SYMBOL, addExtension} from './pack.js'
import {setReadStruct, mult10, readString} from './unpack.js';
const ASCII = 3; // the MIBenum from (and other character encodings could be referenced by MIBenum)
const NUMBER = 0;
const UTF8 = 2;
const OBJECT_DATA = 1;
const DATE = 16;
const TYPE_NAMES = ['num', 'object', 'string', 'ascii'];
TYPE_NAMES[DATE] = 'date';
const float32Headers = [false, true, true, false, false, true, true, false];
let evalSupported;
try {
new Function('');
evalSupported = true;
} catch(error) {
// if eval variants are not supported, do not create inline object readers ever
let updatedPosition;
const hasNodeBuffer = typeof Buffer !== 'undefined'
let textEncoder, currentSource;
try {
textEncoder = new TextEncoder()
} catch (error) {}
const encodeUtf8 = hasNodeBuffer ? function(target, string, position) {
return target.utf8Write(string, position, 0xffffffff)
} : (textEncoder && textEncoder.encodeInto) ?
function(target, string, position) {
return textEncoder.encodeInto(string, target.subarray(position)).written
} : false
const TYPE = Symbol('type');
const PARENT = Symbol('parent');
setWriteStructSlots(writeStruct, prepareStructures);
function writeStruct(object, target, encodingStart, position, structures, makeRoom, pack, packr) {
let typedStructs = packr.typedStructs || (packr.typedStructs = []);
// note that we rely on pack.js to load stored structures before we get to this point
let targetView = target.dataView;
let refsStartPosition = (typedStructs.lastStringStart || 100) + position;
let safeEnd = target.length - 10;
let start = position;
if (position > safeEnd) {
target = makeRoom(position);
targetView = target.dataView;
position -= encodingStart;
start -= encodingStart;
refsStartPosition -= encodingStart;
encodingStart = 0;
safeEnd = target.length - 10;
let refOffset, refPosition = refsStartPosition;
let transition = typedStructs.transitions || (typedStructs.transitions = Object.create(null));
let nextId = typedStructs.nextId || typedStructs.length;
let headerSize =
nextId < 0xf ? 1 :
nextId < 0xf0 ? 2 :
nextId < 0xf000 ? 3 :
nextId < 0xf00000 ? 4 : 0;
if (headerSize === 0)
return 0;
position += headerSize;
let queuedReferences = [];
let usedAscii0;
let keyIndex = 0;
for (let key in object) {
let value = object[key];
let nextTransition = transition[key];
if (!nextTransition) {
transition[key] = nextTransition = {
parent: transition,
enumerationOffset: 0,
ascii0: null,
ascii8: null,
num8: null,
string16: null,
object16: null,
num32: null,
float64: null,
date64: null
if (position > safeEnd) {
target = makeRoom(position);
targetView = target.dataView;
position -= encodingStart;
start -= encodingStart;
refsStartPosition -= encodingStart;
refPosition -= encodingStart;
encodingStart = 0;
safeEnd = target.length - 10
switch (typeof value) {
case 'number':
let number = value;
// first check to see if we are using a lot of ids and should default to wide/common format
if (nextId < 200 || !nextTransition.num64) {
if (number >> 0 === number && number < 0x20000000 && number > -0x1f000000) {
if (number < 0xf6 && number >= 0 && (nextTransition.num8 && !(nextId > 200 && nextTransition.num32) || number < 0x20 && !nextTransition.num32)) {
transition = nextTransition.num8 || createTypeTransition(nextTransition, NUMBER, 1);
target[position++] = number;
} else {
transition = nextTransition.num32 || createTypeTransition(nextTransition, NUMBER, 4);
targetView.setUint32(position, number, true);
position += 4;
} else if (number < 0x100000000 && number >= -0x80000000) {
targetView.setFloat32(position, number, true);
if (float32Headers[target[position + 3] >>> 5]) {
let xShifted
// this checks for rounding of numbers that were encoded in 32-bit float to nearest significant decimal digit that could be preserved
if (((xShifted = number * mult10[((target[position + 3] & 0x7f) << 1) | (target[position + 2] >> 7)]) >> 0) === xShifted) {
transition = nextTransition.num32 || createTypeTransition(nextTransition, NUMBER, 4);
position += 4;
transition = nextTransition.num64 || createTypeTransition(nextTransition, NUMBER, 8);
targetView.setFloat64(position, number, true);
position += 8;
case 'string':
let strLength = value.length;
refOffset = refPosition - refsStartPosition;
if ((strLength << 2) + refPosition > safeEnd) {
target = makeRoom((strLength << 2) + refPosition);
targetView = target.dataView;
position -= encodingStart;
start -= encodingStart;
refsStartPosition -= encodingStart;
refPosition -= encodingStart;
encodingStart = 0;
safeEnd = target.length - 10
if (strLength > ((0xff00 + refOffset) >> 2)) {
queuedReferences.push(key, value, position - start);
let isNotAscii
let strStart = refPosition;
if (strLength < 0x40) {
let i, c1, c2;
for (i = 0; i < strLength; i++) {
c1 = value.charCodeAt(i)
if (c1 < 0x80) {
target[refPosition++] = c1
} else if (c1 < 0x800) {
isNotAscii = true;
target[refPosition++] = c1 >> 6 | 0xc0
target[refPosition++] = c1 & 0x3f | 0x80
} else if (
(c1 & 0xfc00) === 0xd800 &&
((c2 = value.charCodeAt(i + 1)) & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00
) {
isNotAscii = true;
c1 = 0x10000 + ((c1 & 0x03ff) << 10) + (c2 & 0x03ff)
target[refPosition++] = c1 >> 18 | 0xf0
target[refPosition++] = c1 >> 12 & 0x3f | 0x80
target[refPosition++] = c1 >> 6 & 0x3f | 0x80
target[refPosition++] = c1 & 0x3f | 0x80
} else {
isNotAscii = true;
target[refPosition++] = c1 >> 12 | 0xe0
target[refPosition++] = c1 >> 6 & 0x3f | 0x80
target[refPosition++] = c1 & 0x3f | 0x80
} else {
refPosition += encodeUtf8(target, value, refPosition);
isNotAscii = refPosition - strStart > strLength;
if (refOffset < 0xa0 || (refOffset < 0xf6 && (nextTransition.ascii8 || nextTransition.string8))) {
// short strings
if (isNotAscii) {
if (!(transition = nextTransition.string8)) {
if (typedStructs.length > 10 && (transition = nextTransition.ascii8)) {
// we can safely change ascii to utf8 in place since they are compatible
transition.__type = UTF8;
nextTransition.ascii8 = null;
nextTransition.string8 = transition;
pack(null, 0, true); // special call to notify that structures have been updated
} else {
transition = createTypeTransition(nextTransition, UTF8, 1);
} else if (refOffset === 0 && !usedAscii0) {
usedAscii0 = true;
transition = nextTransition.ascii0 || createTypeTransition(nextTransition, ASCII, 0);
break; // don't increment position
}// else ascii:
else if (!(transition = nextTransition.ascii8) && !(typedStructs.length > 10 && (transition = nextTransition.string8)))
transition = createTypeTransition(nextTransition, ASCII, 1);
target[position++] = refOffset;
} else {
// TODO: Enable ascii16 at some point, but get the logic right
//if (isNotAscii)
transition = nextTransition.string16 || createTypeTransition(nextTransition, UTF8, 2);
//transition = nextTransition.ascii16 || createTypeTransition(nextTransition, ASCII, 2);
targetView.setUint16(position, refOffset, true);
position += 2;
case 'object':
if (value) {
if (value.constructor === Date) {
transition = nextTransition.date64 || createTypeTransition(nextTransition, DATE, 8);
targetView.setFloat64(position, value.getTime(), true);
position += 8;
} else {
queuedReferences.push(key, value, keyIndex);
} else { // null
nextTransition = anyType(nextTransition, position, targetView, -10); // match CBOR with this
if (nextTransition) {
transition = nextTransition;
position = updatedPosition;
} else queuedReferences.push(key, value, keyIndex);
case 'boolean':
transition = nextTransition.num8 || nextTransition.ascii8 || createTypeTransition(nextTransition, NUMBER, 1);
target[position++] = value ? 0xf9 : 0xf8; // match CBOR with these
case 'undefined':
nextTransition = anyType(nextTransition, position, targetView, -9); // match CBOR with this
if (nextTransition) {
transition = nextTransition;
position = updatedPosition;
} else queuedReferences.push(key, value, keyIndex);
queuedReferences.push(key, value, keyIndex);
for (let i = 0, l = queuedReferences.length; i < l;) {
let key = queuedReferences[i++];
let value = queuedReferences[i++];
let propertyIndex = queuedReferences[i++];
let nextTransition = transition[key];
if (!nextTransition) {
transition[key] = nextTransition = {
parent: transition,
enumerationOffset: propertyIndex - keyIndex,
ascii0: null,
ascii8: null,
num8: null,
string16: null,
object16: null,
num32: null,
float64: null
let newPosition;
if (value) {
/*if (typeof value === 'string') { // TODO: we could re-enable long strings
if (position + value.length * 3 > safeEnd) {
target = makeRoom(position + value.length * 3);
position -= start;
targetView = target.dataView;
start = 0;
newPosition = position + target.utf8Write(value, position, 0xffffffff);
} else { */
let size;
refOffset = refPosition - refsStartPosition;
if (refOffset < 0xff00) {
transition = nextTransition.object16;
if (transition)
size = 2;
else if ((transition = nextTransition.object32))
size = 4;
else {
transition = createTypeTransition(nextTransition, OBJECT_DATA, 2);
size = 2;
} else {
transition = nextTransition.object32 || createTypeTransition(nextTransition, OBJECT_DATA, 4);
size = 4;
newPosition = pack(value, refPosition);
if (typeof newPosition === 'object') {
// re-allocated
refPosition = newPosition.position;
targetView = newPosition.targetView;
target =;
refsStartPosition -= encodingStart;
position -= encodingStart;
start -= encodingStart;
encodingStart = 0;
} else
refPosition = newPosition;
if (size === 2) {
targetView.setUint16(position, refOffset, true);
position += 2;
} else {
targetView.setUint32(position, refOffset, true);
position += 4;
} else { // null or undefined
transition = nextTransition.object16 || createTypeTransition(nextTransition, OBJECT_DATA, 2);
targetView.setInt16(position, value === null ? -10 : -9, true);
position += 2;
let recordId = transition[RECORD_SYMBOL];
if (recordId == null) {
recordId = packr.typedStructs.length;
let structure = [];
let nextTransition = transition;
let key, type;
while ((type = nextTransition.__type) !== undefined) {
let size = nextTransition.__size;
nextTransition = nextTransition.__parent;
key = nextTransition.key;
let property = [type, size, key];
if (nextTransition.enumerationOffset)
nextTransition = nextTransition.parent;
transition[RECORD_SYMBOL] = recordId;
packr.typedStructs[recordId] = structure;
pack(null, 0, true); // special call to notify that structures have been updated
switch (headerSize) {
case 1:
if (recordId >= 0x10) return 0;
target[start] = recordId + 0x20;
case 2:
if (recordId >= 0x100) return 0;
target[start] = 0x38;
target[start + 1] = recordId;
case 3:
if (recordId >= 0x10000) return 0;
target[start] = 0x39;
targetView.setUint16(start + 1, recordId, true);
case 4:
if (recordId >= 0x1000000) return 0;
targetView.setUint32(start, (recordId << 8) + 0x3a, true);
if (position < refsStartPosition) {
if (refsStartPosition === refPosition)
return position; // no refs
// adjust positioning
target.copyWithin(position, refsStartPosition, refPosition);
refPosition += position - refsStartPosition;
typedStructs.lastStringStart = position - start;
} else if (position > refsStartPosition) {
if (refsStartPosition === refPosition)
return position; // no refs
typedStructs.lastStringStart = position - start;
return writeStruct(object, target, encodingStart, start, structures, makeRoom, pack, packr);
return refPosition;
function anyType(transition, position, targetView, value) {
let nextTransition;
if ((nextTransition = transition.ascii8 || transition.num8)) {
targetView.setInt8(position, value, true);
updatedPosition = position + 1;
return nextTransition;
if ((nextTransition = transition.string16 || transition.object16)) {
targetView.setInt16(position, value, true);
updatedPosition = position + 2;
return nextTransition;
if (nextTransition = transition.num32) {
targetView.setUint32(position, 0xe0000100 + value, true);
updatedPosition = position + 4;
return nextTransition;
// transition.float64
if (nextTransition = transition.num64) {
targetView.setFloat64(position, NaN, true);
targetView.setInt8(position, value);
updatedPosition = position + 8;
return nextTransition;
updatedPosition = position;
// TODO: can we do an "any" type where we defer the decision?
function createTypeTransition(transition, type, size) {
let typeName = TYPE_NAMES[type] + (size << 3);
let newTransition = transition[typeName] || (transition[typeName] = Object.create(null));
newTransition.__type = type;
newTransition.__size = size;
newTransition.__parent = transition;
return newTransition;
function onLoadedStructures(sharedData) {
if (!(sharedData instanceof Map))
return sharedData;
let typed = sharedData.get('typed') || [];
if (Object.isFrozen(typed))
typed = => structure.slice(0));
let named = sharedData.get('named');
let transitions = Object.create(null);
for (let i = 0, l = typed.length; i < l; i++) {
let structure = typed[i];
let transition = transitions;
for (let [type, size, key] of structure) {
let nextTransition = transition[key];
if (!nextTransition) {
transition[key] = nextTransition = {
parent: transition,
enumerationOffset: 0,
ascii0: null,
ascii8: null,
num8: null,
string16: null,
object16: null,
num32: null,
float64: null,
date64: null,
transition = createTypeTransition(nextTransition, type, size);
transition[RECORD_SYMBOL] = i;
typed.transitions = transitions;
this.typedStructs = typed;
this.lastTypedStructuresLength = typed.length;
return named;
var sourceSymbol = Symbol.for('source')
function readStruct(src, position, srcEnd, unpackr) {
let recordId = src[position++] - 0x20;
if (recordId >= 24) {
switch(recordId) {
case 24: recordId = src[position++]; break;
// little endian:
case 25: recordId = src[position++] + (src[position++] << 8); break;
case 26: recordId = src[position++] + (src[position++] << 8) + (src[position++] << 16); break;
case 27: recordId = src[position++] + (src[position++] << 8) + (src[position++] << 16) + (src[position++] << 24); break;
let structure = unpackr.typedStructs && unpackr.typedStructs[recordId];
if (!structure) {
// copy src buffer because getStructures will override it
src =, position, srcEnd);
srcEnd -= position;
position = 0;
if (!unpackr.getStructures)
throw new Error(`Reference to shared structure ${recordId} without getStructures method`);
if (!unpackr.typedStructs)
throw new Error('Could not find any shared typed structures');
unpackr.lastTypedStructuresLength = unpackr.typedStructs.length;
structure = unpackr.typedStructs[recordId];
if (!structure)
throw new Error('Could not find typed structure ' + recordId);
var construct = structure.construct;
if (!construct) {
construct = structure.construct = function LazyObject() {
var prototype = construct.prototype;
let properties = [];
let currentOffset = 0;
let lastRefProperty;
for (let i = 0, l = structure.length; i < l; i++) {
let definition = structure[i];
let [ type, size, key, enumerationOffset ] = definition;
if (key === '__proto__')
key = '__proto_';
let property = {
offset: currentOffset,
if (enumerationOffset)
properties.splice(i + enumerationOffset, 0, property);
let getRef;
switch(size) { // TODO: Move into a separate function
case 0: getRef = () => 0; break;
case 1:
getRef = (source, position) => {
let ref = source.bytes[position + property.offset];
return ref >= 0xf6 ? toConstant(ref) : ref;
case 2:
getRef = (source, position) => {
let src = source.bytes;
let dataView = src.dataView || (src.dataView = new DataView(src.buffer, src.byteOffset, src.byteLength));
let ref = dataView.getUint16(position + property.offset, true);
return ref >= 0xff00 ? toConstant(ref & 0xff) : ref;
case 4:
getRef = (source, position) => {
let src = source.bytes;
let dataView = src.dataView || (src.dataView = new DataView(src.buffer, src.byteOffset, src.byteLength));
let ref = dataView.getUint32(position + property.offset, true);
return ref >= 0xffffff00 ? toConstant(ref & 0xff) : ref;
property.getRef = getRef;
currentOffset += size;
let get;
switch(type) {
case ASCII:
if (lastRefProperty && ! = property;
lastRefProperty = property;
property.multiGetCount = 0;
get = function(source) {
let src = source.bytes;
let position = source.position;
let refStart = currentOffset + position;
let ref = getRef(source, position);
if (typeof ref !== 'number') return ref;
let end, next =;
while(next) {
end = next.getRef(source, position);
if (typeof end === 'number')
end = null;
next =;
if (end == null)
end = source.bytesEnd - refStart;
if (source.srcString) {
return source.srcString.slice(ref, end);
/*if (property.multiGetCount > 0) {
let asciiEnd;
next = firstRefProperty;
let dataView = src.dataView || (src.dataView = new DataView(src.buffer, src.byteOffset, src.byteLength));
do {
asciiEnd = dataView.getUint16(source.position + next.offset, true);
if (asciiEnd < 0xff00)
asciiEnd = null;
} while((next =;
if (asciiEnd == null)
asciiEnd = source.bytesEnd - refStart
source.srcString = src.toString('latin1', refStart, refStart + asciiEnd);
return source.srcString.slice(ref, end);
if (source.prevStringGet) {
source.prevStringGet.multiGetCount += 2;
} else {
source.prevStringGet = property;
return readString(src, ref + refStart, end - ref);
//return src.toString('latin1', ref + refStart, end + refStart);
case UTF8: case OBJECT_DATA:
if (lastRefProperty && ! = property;
lastRefProperty = property;
get = function(source) {
let position = source.position;
let refStart = currentOffset + position;
let ref = getRef(source, position);
if (typeof ref !== 'number') return ref;
let src = source.bytes;
let end, next =;
while(next) {
end = next.getRef(source, position);
if (typeof end === 'number')
end = null;
next =;
if (end == null)
end = source.bytesEnd - refStart;
if (type === UTF8) {
return src.toString('utf8', ref + refStart, end + refStart);
} else {
currentSource = source;
try {
return unpackr.unpack(src, { start: ref + refStart, end: end + refStart });
} finally {
currentSource = null;
case NUMBER:
switch(size) {
case 4:
get = function (source) {
let src = source.bytes;
let dataView = src.dataView || (src.dataView = new DataView(src.buffer, src.byteOffset, src.byteLength));
let position = source.position + property.offset;
let value = dataView.getInt32(position, true)
if (value < 0x20000000) {
if (value > -0x1f000000)
return value;
if (value > -0x20000000)
return toConstant(value & 0xff);
let fValue = dataView.getFloat32(position, true);
// this does rounding of numbers that were encoded in 32-bit float to nearest significant decimal digit that could be preserved
let multiplier = mult10[((src[position + 3] & 0x7f) << 1) | (src[position + 2] >> 7)]
return ((multiplier * fValue + (fValue > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)) >> 0) / multiplier;
case 8:
get = function (source) {
let src = source.bytes;
let dataView = src.dataView || (src.dataView = new DataView(src.buffer, src.byteOffset, src.byteLength));
let value = dataView.getFloat64(source.position + property.offset, true);
if (isNaN(value)) {
let byte = src[source.position + property.offset];
if (byte >= 0xf6)
return toConstant(byte);
return value;
case 1:
get = function (source) {
let src = source.bytes;
let value = src[source.position + property.offset];
return value < 0xf6 ? value : toConstant(value);
case DATE:
get = function (source) {
let src = source.bytes;
let dataView = src.dataView || (src.dataView = new DataView(src.buffer, src.byteOffset, src.byteLength));
return new Date(dataView.getFloat64(source.position + property.offset, true));
property.get = get;
// TODO: load the srcString for faster string decoding on toJSON
if (evalSupported) {
let objectLiteralProperties = [];
let args = [];
let i = 0;
let hasInheritedProperties;
for (let property of properties) { // assign in enumeration order
if (unpackr.alwaysLazyProperty && unpackr.alwaysLazyProperty(property.key)) {
// these properties are not eagerly evaluated and this can be used for creating properties
// that are not serialized as JSON
hasInheritedProperties = true;
Object.defineProperty(prototype, property.key, { get: withSource(property.get), enumerable: true });
let valueFunction = 'v' + i++;
objectLiteralProperties.push('[' + JSON.stringify(property.key) + ']:' + valueFunction + '(s)');
if (hasInheritedProperties) {
let toObject = (new Function(...args, 'return function(s){return{' + objectLiteralProperties.join(',') + '}}')).apply(null, => prop.get));
Object.defineProperty(prototype, 'toJSON', {
value(omitUnderscoredProperties) {
return, this[sourceSymbol]);
} else {
Object.defineProperty(prototype, 'toJSON', {
value(omitUnderscoredProperties) {
// return an enumerable object with own properties to JSON stringify
let resolved = {};
for (let i = 0, l = properties.length; i < l; i++) {
// TODO: check alwaysLazyProperty
let key = properties[i].key;
resolved[key] = this[key];
return resolved;
// not enumerable or anything
var instance = new construct();
instance[sourceSymbol] = {
bytes: src,
srcString: '',
bytesEnd: srcEnd
return instance;
function toConstant(code) {
switch(code) {
case 0xf6: return null;
case 0xf7: return undefined;
case 0xf8: return false;
case 0xf9: return true;
throw new Error('Unknown constant');
function withSource(get) {
return function() {
return get(this[sourceSymbol]);
function saveState() {
if (currentSource) {
currentSource.bytes =, currentSource.position, currentSource.bytesEnd);
currentSource.position = 0;
currentSource.bytesEnd = currentSource.bytes.length;
function prepareStructures(structures, packr) {
if (packr.typedStructs) {
let structMap = new Map();
structMap.set('named', structures);
structMap.set('typed', packr.typedStructs);
structures = structMap;
let lastTypedStructuresLength = packr.lastTypedStructuresLength || 0;
structures.isCompatible = existing => {
let compatible = true;
if (existing instanceof Map) {
let named = existing.get('named') || [];
if (named.length !== (packr.lastNamedStructuresLength || 0))
compatible = false;
let typed = existing.get('typed') || [];
if (typed.length !== lastTypedStructuresLength)
compatible = false;
} else if (existing instanceof Array || Array.isArray(existing)) {
if (existing.length !== (packr.lastNamedStructuresLength || 0))
compatible = false;
if (!compatible)
return compatible;
packr.lastTypedStructuresLength = packr.typedStructs && packr.typedStructs.length;
return structures;
setReadStruct(readStruct, onLoadedStructures, saveState);